Ivan Korolija
Ivan Korolija
Associate Professor in Building Systems Modelling, University College London
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Performing complex parametric simulations with jEPlus
Y Zhang, I Korolija
SET 2010 - 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2010
Regression models for predicting UK office building energy consumption from heating and cooling demands
I Korolija, Y Zhang, L Marjanovic-Halburd, VI Hanby
Energy and Buildings 59, 214-227, 2013
UK office buildings archetypal model as methodological approach in development of regression models for predicting building energy consumption from heating and cooling demands
I Korolija, L Marjanovic-Halburd, Y Zhang, VI Hanby
Energy and Buildings 60, 152–162, 2013
Influence of building parameters and HVAC systems coupling on building energy performance
I Korolija, L Marjanovic-Halburd, Y Zhang, VI Hanby
Energy and Buildings 43 (6), 1247–1253, 2011
Creating sustainable cities one building at a time: Towards an integrated urban design framework
J Futcher, G Mills, R Emmanuel, I Korolija
Cities 66, 63-71, 2017
A decision support tool for building design: An integrated generative design, optimisation and life cycle performance approach
Y Schwartz, R Raslan, I Korolija, D Mumovic
International Journal of Architectural Computing 19 (3), 401-430, 2021
A linked-data paradigm for the integration of static and dynamic building data in digital twins
D Mavrokapnidis, K Katsigarakis, P Pauwels, E Petrova, I Korolija, ...
BuildSys '21 - 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy …, 2021
Developing a Data-driven school building stock energy and indoor environmental quality modelling method
Y Schwartz, D Godoy-Shimizu, I Korolija, J Dong, SM Hong, ...
Energy and Buildings 249, 111249, 2021
Evaluating retrofit options in a historical city center: Relevance of bio-based insulation and the need to consider complex urban form in decision-making
S Claude, S Ginestet, M Bonhomme, G Escadeillas, J Taylor, V Marincioni, ...
Energy and Buildings 182, 196-204, 2019
Comparison of conventional, parametric and evolutionary optimisation approaches for the architectural design of nearly zero energy buildings
E Naboni, A Maccarini, I Korolija, Y Zhang
BS 2013 - 13th Int. IBPSA Conference, 2559-2566, 2013
Photovoltaic Thermal District Heating: A review of the current status, opportunities and prospects
A Kang, I Korolija, D Rovas
Applied Thermal Engineering 217, 119051, 2022
Impact of model simplification on energy and comfort analysis for dwellings
I Korolija, Y Zhang
BS 2013 - 13th Int. IBPSA Conference, 1184-1192, 2013
Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system energy demand coupling with building loads for office buildings
I Korolija
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 2011
A review of approaches and applications in building stock energy and indoor environment modelling
J Dong, Y Schwartz, A Mavrogianni, I Korolija, D Mumovic
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 44 (3), 333-354, 2023
Thermal Assessment of Low-Cost Rural Housing—A Case Study in the Ecuadorian Andes
I Miño-Rodríguez, C Naranjo-Mendoza, I Korolija
Buildings 6 (3), 36, 2016
Assessing a fit-for-purpose urban building energy modelling framework with reference to Ahmedabad
A Mathur, P Fennell, R Rawal, I Korolija
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 27 (8), 1075-1103, 2021
An exergy based approach to resource accounting for factories
SH Khattak, R Greenough, I Korolija, N Brown
Journal of Cleaner Production 121, 99-108, 2016
Energy retrofit and passive cooling: overheating and air quality in primary schools
D Grassie, Y Schwartz, P Symonds, I Korolija, A Mavrogianni, D Mumovic
Buildings and Cities 3 (1), 204-225, 2022
Selecting HVAC systems for typical UK office buildings
I Korolija, Y Zhang, L Marjanovic-Halburd, VI Hanby
ISHVAC 2009 - The 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and …, 2009
Characterising the English school stock using a unified national on-site survey and energy database
SM Hong, D Godoy-Shimizu, Y Schwartz, I Korolija, A Mavrogianni, ...
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 43 (1), 89-112, 2022
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