Ram Kewal Prasad Singh
Ram Kewal Prasad Singh
Former Univ. Prof.R A U,PUSA,BIHAR,INDIA &Former Adviser,State Farmers Commission,Bihar
Ei vahvistettua sähköpostiosoitetta
First search for nontensorial gravitational waves from known pulsars
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, T Adams, ...
Physical review letters 120 (3), 031104, 2018
Economic analysis of total factor productivity of crop sector in Indo-Gangetic Plain of India by district and region
P Kumar, D Jha, A Kumar, MK Chaudhary, RK Grover, RK Singh, ...
Agricultural Economics Research Report 2, 78-89, 2002
DFT based study of interaction between frontier orbitals of transition metal halides and thioamides
RK Singh, SK Verma, PD Sharma
Int J of ChemTech Res 3, 1571-1579, 2011
Dynamics of access to rural credit in India: patterns and determinants
A Kumar, RKP Singh, S Jee, S Chand, G Tripathi, S Saroj
Agricultural Economics Research Review 28 (conf), 151-166, 2015
An Economic Analysis of Energy Requirements in the Production of Potato Crop in Biharsharif Block of Nalanda District (Bihar)
RN Yadav, RKP Singh, S Prasad
Economic Affairs (Calcutta) 36 (2), 112, 1991
Effect of migration on agricultural productivity and women empowerment in Bihar
R Singh, KM Singh, A Jha
Available at SSRN 2111155, 2012
Impact of rainfall on agricultural production in Bihar: A zone-wise analysis
SK Singh, KM Singh, R Singh, A Kumar, U Kumar
Environment & Ecology 32 (4A), 1571-1576, 2014
The economic impact of peste des petits ruminants in India
D Bardhan, S Kumar, G Anandsekaran, JK Chaudhury, M Meraj, ...
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz 36 (1), 245-263, 2017
Growth and instability in production of principal foodgrain crops: a case of backward economy
RKP Singh, KP Ranjan
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics 21, 01-20, 1998
Effects of both diffuse and collimated incident radiation on phototactic bioconvection
MK Panda, R Singh, AC Mishra, SK Mohanty
Physics of Fluids 28 (12), 2016
Agricultural diversity, dietary diversity and nutritional
A Kumar, S Saroj, RKP Singh, S Jee
Agricultural Economics Research Review 29, 15-29, 2016
Constraints of rainfed rice production in India: an overview
KM Singh, A Jha, M Meena, R Singh
Innovations in Rice Production, Ed: PK Shetty, MR Hegde and M. Mahadevappa …, 2012
A Study on Adoption of modern agricultural technologies at farm level in Bihar
AK Singh, RKP, Singh, K M
ECONOMIC AFFAIRS 60 (01), 49-56, 2015
Constraints of rainfed rice production in eastern India: An Overview
A Jha, KM Singh, M Meena, R Singh
Available at SSRN 2061953, 2012
Economics of paddy (Oryza sativa) production: A comparative study of Bihar and Punjab
A Kumar, RKP Singh, KM Singh, JS Mishra
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 2018
Penetrative phototactic bioconvection in a two-dimensional non-scattering suspension
MK Panda, R Singh
Physics of Fluids 28 (5), 2016
An analysis of compound growth rates and factors affecting area, production and productivity of gram in Bihar.
KM Singh, JN Chaudhari, RKP Singh
Management of herbicide resistant weeds for sustainable wheat production
RS Chhokar, RK Sharma, SC Gill, R Singh, GP Singh
Biennial Conference of the Indian Society of Weed Science on “Doubling …, 2022
Rheological and structural properties of tart cherry puree as affected by particle size reduction
N Lukhmana, F Kong, WL Kerr, RK Singh
LWT 90, 650-657, 2018
Climate change, agriculture and ict: an exploratory analysis
R Singh, KM Singh
ICT for Agricultural Development under changing climate, 17-28, 2012
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