Giulia Ferrari
Giulia Ferrari
Researcher in Mathematics Education, University of Torino
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Agency and assemblage in pattern generalisation: A materialist approach to learning
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
Educational Studies in Mathematics 94 (1), 21-36, 2017
The coordinated movements of collaborative mathematical tasks: The role of affect in transindividual sympathy
E de Freitas, F Ferrara, G Ferrari
ZDM 51 (2), 305-318, 2019
Body motion, early algebra, and the colours of abstraction
R Nemirovsky, F Ferrara, G Ferrari, N Adamuz-Povedano
Educational Studies in Mathematics 104, 261-283, 2020
The coordinated movements of a learning assemblage: Secondary school students exploring Wii graphing technology
E de Freitas, F Ferrara, G Ferrari
Innovation and technology enhancing mathematics education, 59-75, 2017
Reanimating tools in mathematical activity
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 …, 2020
Conversations with Materials and Diagrams about some of the Intricacies of Oscillatory Motion
R Nemirovsky, G Ferrari, C Rasmussen, M Voigt
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education 7 (1), 167-191, 2021
When gender matters: a study of gender differences in mathematics
F Ferrara, G Ferrari, O Robutti, D Contini, ML Di Tommaso
PME 44 virtual. The 44th Conference of the International Group for the …, 2021
Matematica in Movimento: radici, sviluppi e implicazioni di un approccio grafico al concetto di funzione tramite i sensori
F Ferrara, G Ferrari, K Savioli
Becoming mathematical subjects by playing mathematical instruments: Gibbous lines with WiiGraph
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
The 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching …, 2015
Moving as a Circle: Folds and Nuances of a Mathematical Concept.
G Ferrari
For the Learning of Mathematics 40 (3), 3-8, 2020
Assembling mathematical concepts through trans-individual coordinated movements: The role of affect and sympathy
E de Freitas, F Ferrara, G Ferrari
Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2019
Mathematical thinking in movement
G Ferrari
Università degli Studi di Torino, 2019
Thinking in movement and mathematics: A case study
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
Proceedings of the 42nd conference of the international group for the …, 2018
Affective Bonds and Mathematical Concepts: Speaking of Affect Through Sympathy
G Ferrari, F Ferrara
Theorizing and Measuring Affect in Mathematics Teaching and Learning, 11-20, 2020
Curve chiuse in movimento: Teoria dei numeri con lo spirografo nella scuola primaria
F Ferrara, G Ferrari, K Savioli
IX Convegno Nazionale di Didattica della Fisica e della Matematica (DI. FI …, 2020
Video data and the learning event: Four case studies
R Nemirovsky, E de Freitas, K O'Brien, ML Kelton, F Ferrara, G Ferrari, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
Diagrams and Tool Use: Making a Circle with WiiGraph
G Ferrari, F Ferrara
Uses of Technology in Primary and Secondary Mathematics Education, 315-325, 2018
Diagrams and mathematical events: Encountering spatio-temporal relationships with graphing technology
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
CERME 10, 2017
La matematica del tempo e del movimento: funzioni, modelli matematici e la Wii.
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
L’uso di tecnologie per la didattica della matematica: Implicazioni, riflessioni ed esempi
F Ferrara, G Ferrari
Kim Williams Books, 2016
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