Bengler Klaus
Bengler Klaus
Professor Ergonomie, TUM
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Three decades of driver assistance systems: Review and future perspectives
K Bengler, K Dietmayer, B Farber, M Maurer, C Stiller, H Winner
IEEE Intelligent transportation systems magazine 6 (4), 6-22, 2014
“Take over!” How long does it take to get the driver back into the loop?
C Gold, D Damböck, L Lorenz, K Bengler
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
How traffic situations and non-driving related tasks affect the take-over quality in highly automated driving
J Radlmayr, C Gold, L Lorenz, M Farid, K Bengler
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Taking over control from highly automated vehicles in complex traffic situations: the role of traffic density
C Gold, M Körber, D Lechner, K Bengler
Human factors 58 (4), 642-652, 2016
Trust in automation–before and after the experience of take-over scenarios in a highly automated vehicle
C Gold, M Körber, C Hohenberger, D Lechner, K Bengler
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 3025-3032, 2015
Introduction matters: Manipulating trust in automation and reliance in automated driving
M Körber, E Baseler, K Bengler
Applied ergonomics 66, 18-31, 2018
A human factors perspective on automated driving
M Kyriakidis, JCF de Winter, N Stanton, T Bellet, B van Arem, K Brookhuis, ...
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 20 (3), 223-249, 2019
Vigilance decrement and passive fatigue caused by monotony in automated driving
M Körber, A Cingel, M Zimmermann, K Bengler
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 2403-2409, 2015
The influence of age on the take-over of vehicle control in highly automated driving
M Körber, C Gold, D Lechner, K Bengler
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 39, 19-32, 2016
Take-over again: Investigating multimodal and directional TORs to get the driver back into the loop
S Petermeijer, P Bazilinskyy, K Bengler, J De Winter
Applied ergonomics 62, 204-215, 2017
Modeling take-over performance in level 3 conditionally automated vehicles
C Gold, R Happee, K Bengler
Accident Analysis & Prevention 116, 3-13, 2018
Towards cooperative guidance and control of highly automated vehicles: H-Mode and Conduct-by-Wire
FO Flemisch, K Bengler, H Bubb, H Winner, R Bruder
Ergonomics 57 (3), 343-360, 2014
H Bubb, K Bengler, RE Grünen, M Vollrath
Springer-Verlag, 2015
Concept and development of a unified ontology for generating test and use‐case catalogues for assisted and automated vehicle guidance
S Geyer, M Baltzer, B Franz, S Hakuli, M Kauer, M Kienle, S Meier, ...
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 8 (3), 183-189, 2014
Human centered assistance applications for the working environment of the future
J Schmidtler, V Knott, C Hölzel, K Bengler
Occupational Ergonomics 12 (3), 83-95, 2015
From HMI to HMIs: Towards an HMI framework for automated driving
K Bengler, M Rettenmaier, N Fritz, A Feierle
Information 11 (2), 61, 2020
Automotive technology and human factors research: Past, present, and future
M Akamatsu, P Green, K Bengler
International journal of vehicular technology 2013 (1), 526180, 2013
Vibrotactile displays: A survey with a view on highly automated driving
SM Petermeijer, JCF De Winter, KJ Bengler
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 17 (4), 897-907, 2015
How the duration of automated driving influences take-over performance and gaze behavior
A Feldhütter, C Gold, S Schneider, K Bengler
Advances in ergonomic design of systems, products and processes: Proceedings …, 2017
Übernahmezeiten beim hochautomatisierten Fahren
D Damböck, K Bengler
5. Tagung Fahrerassistenz, 2012
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