Boris Polyakov
Boris Polyakov
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
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Bistable nanoelectromechanical devices
KJ Ziegler, DM Lyons, JD Holmes, D Erts, B Polyakov, H Olin, K Svensson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (20), 4074-4076, 2004
High‐Density Arrays of Germanium Nanowire Photoresistors
B Polyakov, B Daly, J Prikulis, V Lisauskas, B Vengalis, MA Morris, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (14), 1812-1816, 2006
Electric and elastic properties of conductive polymeric nanocomposites on macro-and nanoscales
M Knite, V Teteris, B Polyakov, D Erts
Materials Science and Engineering: C 19 (1-2), 15-19, 2002
High density germanium nanowire assemblies: contact challenges and electrical characterization
D Erts, B Polyakov, B Daly, MA Morris, S Ellingboe, J Boland, JD Holmes
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2), 820-826, 2006
Conductive films of ordered nanowire arrays
KJ Ziegler, B Polyakov, JS Kulkarni, TA Crowley, KM Ryan, MA Morris, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (4), 585-589, 2004
Spatial and mechanical properties of dilute DNA monolayers on gold imaged by AFM
D Erts, B Polyakov, H Olin, E Tuite
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (15), 3591-3597, 2003
Fast-Response Single-Nanowire Photodetector Based on ZnO/WS2 Core/Shell Heterostructures
E Butanovs, S Vlassov, A Kuzmin, S Piskunov, J Butikova, B Polyakov
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (16), 13869-13876, 2018
Elasticity and yield strength of pentagonal silver nanowires: In situ bending tests
S Vlassov, B Polyakov, LM Dorogin, M Antsov, M Mets, M Umalas, R Saar, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 143 (3), 1026-1031, 2014
Adhesion and mechanical properties of PDMS-based materials probed with AFM: A review
S Vlassov, S Oras, M Antsov, I Sosnin, B Polyakov, A Shutka, ...
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 56 (1), 62-78, 2018
Au nanowire junction breakup through surface atom diffusion
S Vigonski, V Jansson, S Vlassov, B Polyakov, E Baibuz, S Oras, ...
Nanotechnology 29 (1), 015704, 2018
Mechanical and structural characterizations of gamma-and alpha-alumina nanofibers
M Vahtrus, M Umalas, B Polyakov, L Dorogin, R Saar, M Tamme, K Saal, ...
Materials Characterization 107, 119-124, 2015
Shape Restoration Effect in Ag–SiO2 Core–Shell Nanowires
S Vlassov, B Polyakov, LM Dorogin, M Vahtrus, M Mets, M Antsov, R Saar, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5201-5205, 2014
Real‐time manipulation of ZnO nanowires on a flat surface employed for tribological measurements: Experimental methods and modeling
LM Dorogin, S Vlassov, B Polyakov, M Antsov, R Lõhmus, I Kink, ...
physica status solidi (b) 250 (2), 305-317, 2013
Mechanical characterization of TiO2 nanofibers produced by different electrospinning techniques
M Vahtrus, A Šutka, S Vlassov, A Šutka, B Polyakov, R Saar, L Dorogin, ...
Materials Characterization 100, 98-103, 2015
The effect of substrate roughness on the static friction of CuO nanowires
B Polyakov, S Vlassov, LM Dorogin, P Kulis, I Kink, R Lohmus
Surface Science 606 (17-18), 1393-1399, 2012
Unexpected Epitaxial Growth of a Few WS2 Layers on {11̅00} Facets of ZnO Nanowires
B Polyakov, A Kuzmin, K Smits, J Zideluns, E Butanovs, J Butikova, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (38), 21451-21459, 2016
Target Transportation of Auxin on Mesoporous Au/SiO2 Nanoparticles as a Method for Somaclonal Variation Increasing in Flax (L. usitatissimum L.)
VG Inese Kokina, Inese Jahundoviča, Ilona Mickeviča, Marija Jermaļonoka ...
Journal of Nanomaterials 2017, Article ID 7143269, 2017
Modeling of kinetic and static friction between an elastically bent nanowire and a flat surface
LM Dorogin, B Polyakov, A Petruhins, S Vlassov, R Lõhmus, I Kink, ...
Journal of Materials Research 27 (3), 580-585, 2012
Real-time measurements of sliding friction and elastic properties of ZnO nanowires inside a scanning electron microscope
B Polyakov, LM Dorogin, S Vlassov, I Kink, A Lohmus, AE Romanov, ...
Solid state communications 151 (18), 1244-1247, 2011
Crystallization processes of amorphous Si by thermal annealing and pulsed laser processing
G Marcins, J Butikova, I Tale, B Polyakov, R Kalendarjov, A Muhin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 23 (1), 012035, 2011
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Articles 1–20