Max R. Bangs
Max R. Bangs
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Florida State University
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Introgressive hybridization and species turnover in reservoirs: a case study involving endemic and invasive basses (Centrarchidae: Micropterus) in southeastern …
MR Bangs, KJ Oswald, TW Greig, JK Leitner, DM Rankin, JM Quattro
Conservation Genetics 19, 57-69, 2018
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in of alligator cathelicidin gene in a non-coding region of channel catfish genome
RMC Simora, D Xing, MR Bangs, W Wang, X Ma, B Su, MGQ Khan, Z Qin, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 22271, 2020
Unraveling historical introgression and resolving phylogenetic discord within Catostomus (Osteichthys: Catostomidae)
MR Bangs, MR Douglas, SM Mussmann, ME Douglas
BMC Evolutionary Biology 18, 1-16, 2018
Morphological models for identifying largemouth bass, spotted Bass, and largemouth bass× spotted bass hybrids
JD Godbout, DD Aday, JA Rice, MR Bangs, JM Quattro
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (5), 1425-1437, 2009
Taxonomic Uncertainty and the Anomaly Zone: Phylogenomics Disentangle a Rapid Radiation to Resolve Contentious Species (Gila robusta complex) in the Colorado River
MED Tyler K Chafin, Marlis R Douglas, Max R Bangs, Bradley T Martin, Steven ...
Genome Biology and Evolution, 2021
Reticulate evolution as a management challenge: Patterns of admixture with phylogenetic distance in endemic fishes of western North America
MR Bangs, MR Douglas, PC Brunner, ME Douglas
Evolutionary Applications 13 (6), 1400-1419, 2020
Anthropogenic impacts facilitate native fish hybridization in the Bonneville Basin of western North America
MR Bangs, MR Douglas, P Thompson, ME Douglas
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146 (1), 16-21, 2017
Comp-D: a program for comprehensive computation of D-statistics and population summaries of reticulated evolution
SM Mussmann, MR Douglas, MR Bangs, ME Douglas
Conservation Genetics Resources 12, 263-267, 2020
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated transgenesis of the masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) elovl2 gene improves n-3 fatty acid content in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
D Xing, B Su, S Li, M Bangs, D Creamer, M Coogan, J Wang, R Simora, ...
Marine Biotechnology 24 (3), 513-523, 2022
Gene flow and species delimitation in fishes of Western North America: Flannelmouth (Catostomus latipinnis) and Bluehead sucker (C. Pantosteus discobolus)
MR Bangs, MR Douglas, TK Chafin, ME Douglas
Ecology and Evolution 10 (13), 6477-6493, 2020
Hybridization between Native Bartram’s Bass and Two Introduced Species in Savannah Drainage Streams
J Leitner, KJ Oswald, MR Bangs, D Rankin, JM Quattro
Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation, 481-490, 2015
Repressible Transgenic Sterilization in Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by Knockdown of Primordial Germ Cell Genes with Copper-Sensitive Constructs
H Li, B Su, G Qin, Z Ye, A Elaswad, A Alsaqufi, DA Perera, Z Qin, R Odin, ...
Marine Biotechnology, 1-19, 2018
Gene Editing of the Catfish Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Gene and Hormone Therapy to Control the Reproduction in Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
G Qin, Z Qin, C Lu, Z Ye, A Elaswad, M Bangs, H Li, Y Zhang, Y Huang, ...
Biology 11 (5), 649, 2022
Evidence of a population of leaf-eared mice Phyllotis vaccarum above 6,000 m in the Andes and a survey of high-elevation mammals
SJ Steppan, T Bowen, MR Bangs, M Farson, JF Storz, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 103 (4), 776-785, 2022
Evolutionary genetic diversification, demography, and conservation of Bartram’s Bass
KJ Oswald, J Leitner, D Rankin, DH Barwick, BJ Freeman, TW Greig, ...
Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation, 601-614, 2015
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in method can improve the expression and effect of transgene in P1 generation of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
D Xing, B Su, M Bangs, S Li, J Wang, L Bern, RMC Simora, W Wang, ...
Aquaculture 560, 738531, 2022
Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses revealed twenty-six candidate genes involved in the air-breathing development and function of the bighead catfish Clarias …
X Ma, B Su, M Bangs, V Alston, NJC Backenstose, RM Simora, W Wang, ...
Marine Biotechnology 23, 90-105, 2021
Drainage History, Evolution, and Conservation of Tonguetied Minnow (Exoglossum laurae), a Rare and Imperiled Teays River Endemic
Copeia 108 (2), 381-391, 2020
Decline of the Savannah River Redeye Bass (Micropterus coosae) due to introgressive hybridization with invasive Alabama Spotted Bass (Micropterus punctulatus henshalli)
M Bangs
University of South Carolina, 2011
Direct and pleiotropic effects of the Masou Salmon Delta-5 Desaturase transgene in F1 channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Y Huang, W Bugg, M Bangs, G Qin, D Drescher, N Backenstose, ...
Transgenic Research 30, 185-200, 2021
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