Stankevych Olena
Stankevych Olena
Autres nomsСтанкевич Олена
НУ Львівська політехніка, кафедра САП (Lviv Polytechnic National University, dep. of CAD))
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Citée par
Features of fracture of prosthetic tooth-endocrown constructions by means of acoustic emission analysis
V Skalskyi, V Makeev, O Stankevych, R Pavlychko
Dental materials 34 (3), e46-e55, 2018
Investigation and identification of fracture types of structural materials by means of acoustic emission analysis
O Stankevych, V Skalsky
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 164, 24-34, 2016
The vibration of a half-space due to a buried mode I crack opening
O Stankevych, V Skalsky
Wave Motion 72, 142-153, 2017
Estimation of effect of hydrogen on the parameters of magnetoacoustic emission signals
V Skalskyi, O Stankevych, O Dubytskyi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 454, 375-385, 2018
Wave displacement field at a half-space surface caused by an internal crack under twisting load
V Skalsky, O Stankevych, O Serhiyenko
Wave Motion 50 (2), 326-333, 2013
A criterion for evaluating the brittle fracturing of glass using acoustic emission signals
VP Skal’skii, SI Builo, EM Stankevich
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 48, 277-284, 2012
Strength evaluation of stomatologic polymers by wavelet transform of acoustic emission signals
VR Skal’s’ kii, VF Makeev, OM Stankevich, OS Kyrmanov, SI Vynnyts’ ka, ...
Strength of materials 47, 566-572, 2015
A method for the identification of the types of macrofracture of structural materials by the parameters of the wavelet transform of acoustic-emission signals
ZT Nazarchuk, VR Skal’s’ kyi, OM Stankevych
Materials Science 49, 841-848, 2014
A study of the features of the macrofracturing of composite materials
VR Skal’skii, EM Stankevich, YY Matviiv
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 49, 562-571, 2013
Influence of occluded hydrogen on magnetoacoustic emission of low-carbon steels
V Skalskyi, Z Nazarchuk, O Stankevych, B Klym
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (15), 6146-6156, 2023
Acoustic properties of fracture of dental restorative materials and endocrown restorations under quasi-static loading
V Skalskyi, V Makeev, O Stankevych, O Dubytskyi
Dental Materials 36 (5), 617-625, 2020
Effect of operational factors on magnetoacoustic emission of low-carbon steels
V Skalsky, Z Nazarchuk, O Stankevych, B Klym, T Selivonchyk
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 199, 104744, 2022
Acoustic Emission: Fracture Detection in Structural Materials
V Skalskyi, Z Nazarchuk, O Stankevych
Springer, 2022
Identification of the mechanisms of fracture of cement mortar reinforced with basalt and polypropylene fibers
VR Skalskyi, OМ Stankevych, BP Klym, AE Lisnichuk, PP Velykyi
Materials Science 56 (4), 441-453, 2021
Application of the magnetoacoustic emission method for estimation of pipelines material state
V Skalskyi, Y Pochaps’ kyi, O Stankevych, B Klym, N Melnyk
Degradation Assessment and Failure Prevention of Pipeline Systems, 217-229, 2021
in Ukrainian
VV Bozhydarnik, OM Stankevych
Naukova Dumka, 2014
Діагностування механізмів руйнування сталі 38ХН3МФА за вейвлет-перетворенням сигналів акустичної емісії
ВР Скальський, ЛР Ботвіна, ОМ Станкевич, ОС Дубицький, ЮЯ Матвіїв
Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль, 2011
Ranking of fiber composites by estimation of types and mechanisms of their fracture
V Skalskyi, O Stankevych, T Zosel, S Vynnytska, H Thomas, A Pich
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 235, 107147, 2020
Acoustic-emission diagnostics of the initiation of fatigue fracture of 1201-T aluminum alloy
VR Skal’s’ kyi, IM Lyasota, OM Stankevych
Materials Science 48, 680-686, 2013
Mathematical models for displacement fields caused by the crack in an elastic half-space
V Skalskyi, Z Nazarchuk, O Stankevych
Acoustic Emission: Fracture Detection in Structural Materials, 51-86, 2022
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