Wessel Ganzevoort
Wessel Ganzevoort
Postdoc Researcher, Tilburg University
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Sharing biodiversity data: citizen scientists’ concerns and motivations
W Ganzevoort, RJG van den Born, W Halffman, S Turnhout
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 2821-2837, 2017
The missing pillar: Eudemonic values in the justification of nature conservation
RJG van den Born, B Arts, J Admiraal, A Beringer, P Knights, E Molinario, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (5-6), 841-856, 2018
Varieties of flood risk governance in Europe: How do countries respond to driving forces and what explains institutional change?
M Wiering, M Kaufmann, H Mees, T Schellenberger, W Ganzevoort, ...
Global Environmental Change 44, 15-26, 2017
Relational values of nature: leverage points for nature policy in Europe
LWJK TJM Mattijssen, W Ganzevoort, RJG van den Born, BJM Arts, BC Breman, AE ...
Ecosystems and People 16, 402-410, 2020
Implementing participatory monitoring in river management: The role of stakeholders' perspectives and incentives
L Verbrugge, W Ganzevoort, J Fliervoet, K Panten, R van den Born
Journal of Environmental Management 195, 62–69, 2017
Understanding citizens’ action for nature: The profile, motivations and experiences of Dutch nature volunteers
W Ganzevoort, RJG van den Born
Journal for Nature Conservation 55, 2020
A view on more resilient flood risk governance: Key conclusions of the STAR-FLOOD project
D Hegger, P Driessen, M Bakker, et al.
The Thrill of Discovery: Significant Nature Experiences among Biodiversity Citizen Scientists
W Ganzevoort, R van den Born
Ecopsychology 11 (1), 22-32, 2019
Comparing flood risk governance in six European countries: Strategies, arrangements and institutional dynamics
P Matczak, M Wiering, J Lewandowski, T Schellenberger, JB Trémorin, ...
Exploring place attachment and visions of nature of water-based recreationists: The case of the longitudinal dams
W Ganzevoort, RJG van den Born
Landscape Research 44 (2), 149-161, 2019
Counting bees: Learning outcomes from participation in the Dutch national bee survey
W Ganzevoort, RJG van den Born
Sustainability 13 (9), 4703, 2021
Assessing stakeholder perceptions of landscape and place in the context of a major river intervention: A call for their inclusion in adaptive management
WG RJG van den Born, LNH Verbrugge
Water Policy 22, 19-36, 2020
The everyday reality of nature volunteering: An empirical exploration of reasons to stay and reasons to quit
RJGB W Ganzevoort
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2023
Green Volunteers in the Spotlight: Understanding action for nature through studying citizen scientists and other nature volunteers
WB Ganzevoort
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2021
Groene vrijwilligers: Wie zijn ze, wat doen ze en wat drijft hen?
WB Ganzevoort, RJG Van den Born
Nijmegen: Institute for Science in Society, Radboud Universiteit, 2018
Citizen scientists: Een onderzoek naar de motivaties en visies op data delen van vrijwillige natuurwaarnemers
W Ganzevoort, R van den Born
Citizen Scientist: Een onderzoek naar de motivaties en visies op data delen van vrijwillige natuurwaarnemers
W Ganzevoort, RJG Van den Born
Nijmegen: Radboud University. Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, 2016
Citizen Scientist: Een onderzoek naar de motivaties en visies op data delen van vrijwillige natuurwaarnemers
WB Ganzevoort, RJG Van den Born
Nijmegen: Radboud University. Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, 2016
Going beyond the instrumental view on nature and the human–nature relationship: Visions of Nature of the metropolitan population of Lima, Peru
RJG Calderón Moya-Méndez, N., Ganzevoort, W., Lenders, R., & van den Born
Ecopsychology 14 (3), 163-175, 2022
Affordances and tensions in recording bird observations: how coordinators and volunteers perceive and experience citizen science in birding
H Verploegen, W Ganzevoort, R van den Born
Journal of Science Communication 20 (2), A10, 2021
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Articles 1–20