Alixe Dreano
Alixe Dreano
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Understanding and formalization of the fretting-wear behavior of a cobalt-based alloy at high temperature
A Dreano, S Fouvry, G Guillonneau
Wear 452, 203297, 2020
A tribo-oxidation abrasive wear model to quantify the wear rate of a cobalt-based alloy subjected to fretting in low-to-medium temperature conditions
A Dréano, S Fouvry, G Guillonneau
Tribology International 125, 128-140, 2018
Fretting wear of pure cobalt chromium and nickel to identify the distinct roles of HS25 alloying elements in high temperature glaze layer formation
A Viat, A Dreano, S Fouvry, MIDB Bouchet, JF Henne
Wear 376, 1043-1054, 2017
The formation of a cobalt-based glaze layer at high temperature: a layered structure
A Dreano, S Fouvry, S Sao-Joao, J Galipaud, G Guillonneau
Wear 440, 203101, 2019
A combined friction energy and tribo-oxidation formulation to describe the high temperature fretting wear response of a cobalt-based alloy
A Dreano, S Fouvry, G Guillonneau
Wear 426, 712-724, 2019
Computational design of a crack-free aluminum alloy for additive manufacturing
A Dreano, J Favre, C Desrayaud, P Chanin-Lambert, A Wimmer, MF Zaeh
Additive Manufacturing 55, 102876, 2022
Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in a steel containing porosities
A Yaktiti, A Dreano, JF Carton, F Christien
Corrosion Science 199, 110208, 2022
Influence of a pre-existing glaze layer on the fretting-wear response of HS25 cobalt-based alloy subjected to various temperature conditions
A Dreano, S Baydoun, S Fouvry, S Nar, P Alvarez
Wear 488, 204144, 2022
Modelling of hydrogen diffusion in a steel containing micro-porosity. Application to the permeation experiment
A Yaktiti, A Dreano, R Gass, T Yvert, JF Carton, F Christien
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (37), 14079-14094, 2023
Effect of ball-burnishing on hydrogen-assisted cracking of a martensitic stainless steel
A Dreano, M Alnajjar, F Salvatore, J Rech, C Bosch, K Wolski, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (93), 39654-39665, 2022
Formalisation of the tribo-oxidation mechanisms of a cobalt-based alloy subjected to fretting wear: influence of the temperature
A Dreano
Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2019
Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy study of the effect of thermal oxide layers on the hydrogen release-Experiments and finite element method modelling
T Rubben, T Depover, K Verbeken, RI Revilla, V Barnier, A Dreano, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 48 (87), 34067-34076, 2023
Investigating the origins of the'double rise'shape in hydrogen permeation transients on pure iron
S Alzein, A Dreano, F Christien
Corrosion Science 231, 111998, 2024
Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in a low alloy steel containing micro-porosity
F Christien, A Yaktiti, A Dreano, JF Carton
Modelling of hydrogen diffusion in a steel containing micro-porosity
A Dreano, A Yaktiti, R Gass, T Yvert, JF Carton, F Christien
Design & performance of micro shear-compression specimen: understanding geometrical and material coupling
F Abouhadid, G Kermouche, S Sao-Joao, A Dreano, G Mollon, MS Colla, ...
ECI Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VIII, 2022
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Articles 1–16