Colloquium : Coherently controlled adiabatic passageP Král, I Thanopulos, M Shapiro
Reviews of modern physics 79 (1), 53, 2007
511 2007 Two-step enantio-selective optical switch P Král, I Thanopulos, M Shapiro, D Cohen
Physical review letters 90 (3), 033001, 2003
173 2003 Non-Markovian dynamics in plasmon-induced spontaneous emission interference I Thanopulos, V Yannopapas, E Paspalakis
Physical Review B 95 (7), 075412, 2017
72 2017 Complete control of population transfer between clusters of degenerate states I Thanopulos, P Král, M Shapiro
Physical review letters 92 (11), 113003, 2004
53 2004 Tunneling dynamics of the NH chromophore in during and after coherent infrared excitation R Marquardt, M Quack, I Thanopulos, D Luckhaus
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (2), 643-658, 2003
51 2003 Digital holography of optically-trapped aerosol particles G David, K Esat, I Thanopulos, R Signorell
Communications Chemistry 1 (1), 46, 2018
49 2018 Laser-driven coherent manipulation of molecular chirality I Thanopulos, E Paspalakis, Z Kis
Chemical physics letters 390 (1-3), 228-235, 2004
49 2004 Theory of a two-step enantiomeric purification of racemic mixtures by optical means: The molecule I Thanopulos, P Král, M Shapiro
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (10), 5105-5116, 2003
49 2003 A global electric dipole function of ammonia and isotopomers in the electronic ground state R Marquardt, M Quack, I Thanopulos, D Luckhaus
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (20), 10724-10732, 2003
44 2003 Dynamical chirality and the quantum dynamics of bending vibrations of the CH chromophore in methane isotopomers R Marquardt, M Quack, I Thanopulos
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (26), 6129-6149, 2000
42 2000 Plasmon-induced enhancement of nonlinear optical rectification in organic materials I Thanopulos, E Paspalakis, V Yannopapas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035111, 2012
39 2012 Optical and microwave control of resonance fluorescence and squeezing spectra in a polar molecule MA Antón, S Maede-Razavi, F Carreño, I Thanopulos, E Paspalakis
Physical Review A 96 (6), 063812, 2017
34 2017 Non-Markovian spontaneous emission dynamics of a quantum emitter near a nanodisk I Thanopulos, V Karanikolas, N Iliopoulos, E Paspalakis
Physical Review B 99 (19), 195412, 2019
32 2019 Dynamics of submicron aerosol droplets in a robust optical trap formed by multiple Bessel beams I Thanopulos, D Luckhaus, TC Preston, R Signorell
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (15), 154304, 2014
32 2014 Theory of the two step enantiomeric purification of 1, 3 dimethylallene D Gerbasi, P Brumer, I Thanopulos, P Král, M Shapiro
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (24), 11557-11563, 2004
31 2004 Quantum-field coherent control: Preparation of broken-symmetry entangled states P Král, I Thanopulos, M Shapiro
Physical Review A 72 (2), 020303, 2005
28 2005 Optical switching of electric charge transfer pathways in porphyrin: a light-controlled nanoscale current router I Thanopulos, E Paspalakis, V Yannopapas
Nanotechnology 19 (44), 445202, 2008
27 2008 Counter-rotating effects and entanglement dynamics in strongly coupled quantum-emitter–metallic-nanoparticle structures N Iliopoulos, I Thanopulos, V Yannopapas, E Paspalakis
Physical Review B 97 (11), 115402, 2018
26 2018 Non-Markovian spontaneous emission interference near a MoS2 nanodisk I Thanopulos, V Karanikolas, E Paspalakis
Optics letters 44 (14), 3510-3513, 2019
24 2019 Theory of laser enhancement and suppression of cold reactions: The fermion-boson radiative collision X Li, GA Parker, P Brumer, I Thanopulos, M Shapiro
The Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (12), 124314, 2008
24 2008