Valentina Zharkova
Valentina Zharkova
Professor of Mathematics, Northumbria University
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Implications of X-ray observations for electron acceleration and propagation in solar flares
GD Holman, MJ Aschwanden, H Aurass, M Battaglia, PC Grigis, ...
Space science reviews 159, 107-166, 2011
X-ray flare sparks quake inside Sun
AG Kosovichev, VV Zharkova
Nature 393 (6683), 317-318, 1998
Recent advances in understanding particle acceleration processes in solar flares
VV Zharkova, K Arzner, AO Benz, P Browning, C Dauphin, AG Emslie, ...
Space science reviews 159, 357-420, 2011
Magnetic energy release and transients in the solar flare of 2000 July 14
AG Kosovichev, VV Zharkova
The Astrophysical Journal 550 (1), L105, 2001
Particle acceleration asymmetry in a reconnecting nonneutral current sheet
VV Zharkova, M Gordovskyy
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (2), 884, 2004
The effect of the electric field induced by precipitating electron beams on hard X-ray photon and mean electron spectra
VV Zharkova, M Gordovskyy
The Astrophysical Journal 651 (1), 553, 2006
On the origin of three seismic sources in the proton-rich flare of 2003 October 28
VV Zharkova, SI Zharkov
The Astrophysical Journal 664 (1), 573, 2007
Variations of photospheric magnetic field associated with flares and CMEs
AG Kosovichev, VV Zharkova
Solar Physics 190, 459-466, 1999
Heartbeat of the Sun from Principal Component Analysis and prediction of solar activity on a millenium timescale
VV Zharkova, SJ Shepherd, E Popova, SI Zharkov
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15689, 2015
Statistical properties of sunspots in 1996–2004: I. Detection, North–South asymmetry and area distribution
S Zharkov, VV Zharkova, SS Ipson
Solar Physics 228, 377-397, 2005
Energy spectra of particles accelerated in a reconnecting current sheet with the guiding magnetic field
VV Zharkova, M Gordovskyy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 356 (3), 1107-1116, 2005
Prediction of solar activity from solar background magnetic field variations in cycles 21–23
SJ Shepherd, SI Zharkov, VV Zharkova
The Astrophysical Journal 795 (1), 46, 2014
Diagnostics of energetic electrons with anisotropic distributions in solar flares-I. Hard X-rays bremsstrahlung emission
VV Zharkova, AA Kuznetsov, TV Siversky
Astronomy & Astrophysics 512, A8, 2010
Electron beam dynamics and hard X-ray bremsstrahlung polarization in a flaring loop with return current and converging magnetic field.
VV Zharkova, JC Brown, DV Syniavskii
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 304, p. 284 304, 284, 1995
A full-disk image standardisation of the synoptic solar observations at the Meudon Observatory
VV Zharkova, SS Ipson, SI Zharkov, A Benkhalil, J Aboudarham, ...
Solar physics 214, 89-105, 2003
2011 February 15: sunquakes produced by flux rope eruption
S Zharkov, LM Green, SA Matthews, VV Zharkova
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 741 (2), L35, 2011
The effect of non-thermal excitation and ionization on the hydrogen emission in impulsive solar flares
VV Zharkova, VA Kobylinsky
Solar physics 143, 259-274, 1993
Solar feature catalogues in EGSO
VV Zharkova, J Aboudarham, S Zharkov, SS Ipson, AK Benkhalil, N Fuller
Solar Physics 228, 361-375, 2005
Feature recognition in solar images
V Zharkova, S Ipson, A Benkhalil, S Zharkov
Artificial Intelligence Review 23, 209-266, 2005
Technique for automated recognition of sunspots on full-disk solar images
S Zharkov, V Zharkova, S Ipson, A Benkhalil
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2005, 1-12, 2005
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