Ugo Lopez
Ugo Lopez
CRCA (UMR 5169)
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From behavioural analyses to models of collective motion in fish schools
U Lopez, J Gautrais, ID Couzin, G Theraulaz
Interface Focus 2 (6), 693-707, 2012
Swarming, schooling, milling: phase diagram of a data-driven fish school model
DS Calovi, U Lopez, S Ngo, C Sire, H Chaté, G Theraulaz
New journal of Physics 16 (1), 015026, 2014
Disentangling and modeling interactions in fish with burst-and-coast swimming reveal distinct alignment and attraction behaviors
DS Calovi, A Litchinko, V Lecheval, U Lopez, A Pérez Escudero, H Chaté, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (1), e1005933, 2018
Collective response to perturbations in a data-driven fish school model
DS Calovi, U Lopez, P Schuhmacher, H Chaté, C Sire, G Theraulaz
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (104), 20141362, 2015
Transmission electron microscopy and UV–vis–IR spectroscopy analysis of the diameter sorting of carbon nanotubes by gradient density ultracentrifugation
R Fleurier, JS Lauret, U Lopez, A Loiseau
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (14), 2219-2223, 2009
Disentangling and modeling interactions in fish with burst-and-coast swimming
DS Calovi, A Litchinko, V Lecheval, U Lopez, AP Escudero, H Chaté, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03801, 2017
From behavioural analyses to models of collective motion in
U Lopez, J Gautrais, ID Couzin, G Theraulaz
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Articles 1–7