Nikolay Vovk
Nikolay Vovk
Autres nomsMykola Vovk
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, Research Student, Lancaster University
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C-axis hopping conductivity in heavily Pr-doped YBCO single crystals
CA Vovk R.V.,Vovk N.R.,Shekhovtsov O.V.,Goulatis I.L.
Superconductor Science and Technology 26 (8), 5, 2013
Effect of praseodymium on the electrical resistance of YВа2Сu3О7−δ single crystals
AC R.V. Vovk, N.R. Vovk, G.Ya. Khadzhai, I.L. Goulatis
Solid State Communications 190, 18-22, 2014
Effect of long aging on the resistivity properties of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals
CA Vovk R.V., Vovk N.R., Samoilov A.V., Goulatis I.L.
Solid State Communications 170, 6-9, 2013
Effect of Structural Relaxation on the In-Plane Electrical Resistance of Oxygen-Underdoped ReBa2Cu3O7− δ (Re = Y, Ho) Single Crystals.
OVD Ruslan V Vovk, Nikolaj R Vovk
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175 (3), 614-630, 2014
Effect of high pressure on the electrical resistivity of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals with unidirectional planar defects
CA Vovk R.V., Vovk N.R., Khadzhai G.Y., Goulatis I.L.
Physica B: Condensed Matter 422, 33-35, 2013
Evolution of the electrical resistance of YBa _2 Cu _3 O _ 7-\varvec δ YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ single crystals in the course of long-term aging
RV Vovk, NR Vovk, GY Khadzhai, OV Dobrovolskiy, ZN Nazyrov
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 25, 5226-5230, 2014
Effect of high pressure on the fluctuation paraconductivity in Y0.95Pr0.05Ba2Cu3O7-δ single crystals
ZFN R.V. Vovk, N.R. Vovk, G.Ya Khadzhai, O.V. Dobrovolskiy
Current Applied Physics 14, 1779-1782, 2014
Spin-wave eigenmodes in direct-write 3D nanovolcanoes
OV Dobrovolskiy, NR Vovk, AV Bondarenko, SA Bunyaev, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (13), 2021
Spin-wave spectroscopy of individual ferromagnetic nanodisks
OV Dobrovolskiy, SA Bunyaev, NR Vovk, D Navas, P Gruszecki, ...
Nanoscale 12 (41), 21207-21217, 2020
Effect of defects on the basal-plane resistivity of YBa2Cu3O>7-δ and Y1-yPryBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals
NZF Vovk R.V., Khadzhai G.Y., Dobrovolskiy O.V., Vovk N.R.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 26 (3), 1435-1440, 2015
Room-temperature annealing effects on the basal-plane resistivity of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7− δ single crystals
GY Khadzhai, RV Vovk, NR Vovk, SN Kamchatnaya, OV Dobrovolskiy
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 545, 14-17, 2018
Conductivity of Y1-yPry2u3 7-δ single crystals in wide ranges of temperatures and Pr concentrations
VRV Khadzhai G.Y., Vovk N.R.
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 40 (6), 630-635, 2014
Conductivity of single-crystal y1-ypryba2cu3o7-δ over a wide range of temperatures and pr concentrations
VRV Khadzhai G.Y., Vovk N.R.
Low Temperature Physics 40 (6), 488-491, 2014
Effect of long aging on the resistivity properties of aluminum doped YBa2Cu3-y Al y O7-δ single crystals with a given twin boundary topology
CA Vovk R.V., Vovk N.R., Goulatis I.L.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 174 (3-4), 214-221, 2014
Control of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Polycrystalline Co2FeGe Films via Deposition and Annealing Temperatures
A Vovk, SA Bunyaev, P Štrichovanec, NR Vovk, B Postolnyi, A Apolinario, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (5), 1229, 2021
Effect of electron irradiation on the transverse conductivity of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal
VRV Khadzhai G.Ya., Vovk N.R.
Low Temperature Physics 45 (1), 135-138, 2019
VANT ISSN 1562-6016
NA Azarenkov, VN Voevodin, RV Vovk, NR Vovk, GY Khadzhai, ...
PAST 2 (126), 9, 2020
Suppression of vortex lattice melting in YBCO via irradiation with fast electrons
DOV Beletskiy V.I., Khadzhai G.Y., Vovk R.V., Vovk N.R., Samoylov A.V ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (7), 6688-6692, 2019
Quenching and room-temperature annealing effects on the conductivity of underdoped HoBaCuO
GY Khadzhai, RV Vovk, NR Vovk, YI Boiko, SN Kamchatnaya, ...
Modern Physics Letters B 32 (01), 1750367, 2018
Effect of high pressure on conductivity in the basal plane of Y1_xPrxBa2Cu307_δ single crystals lightly doped of praseodymium
TSS Khadzhai G.Y., Vovk N.R., Vovk R.V., Savich S.V., Kislitsa M ...
Functional Materials 22 (1), 5-13, 2015
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