Monica G. Bobra
Monica G. Bobra
Principal Data Scientist, State of California
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The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: SHARPs – Space-Weather HMI Active Region Patches
MG Bobra, X Sun, JT Hoeksema, M Turmon, Y Liu, K Hayashi, G Barnes, ...
Solar Physics 289, 3549-3578, 2014
The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) vector magnetic field pipeline: overview and performance
JT Hoeksema, Y Liu, K Hayashi, X Sun, J Schou, S Couvidat, A Norton, ...
Solar Physics 289, 3483-3530, 2014
Solar flare prediction using SDO/HMI vector magnetic field data with a machine-learning algorithm
MG Bobra, S Couvidat
The Astrophysical Journal 798 (2), 135, 2015
The SunPy project: Open source development and status of the version 1.0 core package
WT Barnes, MG Bobra, SD Christe, N Freij, LA Hayes, J Ireland, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 890 (1), 68, 2020
Why is the great solar active region 12192 flare-rich but CME-poor?
X Sun, MG Bobra, JT Hoeksema, Y Liu, Y Li, C Shen, S Couvidat, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 804 (2), L28, 2015
Modeling nonpotential magnetic fields in solar active regions
MG Bobra, AA Van Ballegooijen, EE DeLuca
The Astrophysical Journal 672 (2), 1209, 2008
Predicting coronal mass ejections using machine learning methods
MG Bobra, S Ilonidis
The Astrophysical Journal 821 (2), 127, 2016
Flare prediction using photospheric and coronal image data
E Jonas, M Bobra, V Shankar, J Todd Hoeksema, B Recht
Solar Physics 293 (3), 48, 2018
A machine-learning data set prepared from the NASA solar dynamics observatory mission
R Galvez, DF Fouhey, M Jin, A Szenicer, A Muñoz-Jaramillo, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 242 (1), 7, 2019
Magnetic helicity in emerging solar active regions
Y Liu, JT Hoeksema, M Bobra, K Hayashi, PW Schuck, X Sun
The Astrophysical Journal 785 (1), 13, 2014
Predicting solar flares using CNN and LSTM on two solar cycles of active region data
Z Sun, MG Bobra, X Wang, Y Wang, H Sun, T Gombosi, Y Chen, A Hero
The Astrophysical Journal 931 (2), 163, 2022
Fine thermal structure of a coronal active region
F Reale, S Parenti, KK Reeves, M Weber, MG Bobra, M Barbera, R Kano, ...
Science 318 (5856), 1582-1585, 2007
aiapy: A python package for analyzing solar EUV image data from AIA
W Barnes, MCM Cheung, MG Bobra, P Boerner, G Chintzoglou, ...
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) 5 (55), 2801-2801, 2020
SMARPs and SHARPs: Two solar cycles of active region data
MG Bobra, PJ Wright, X Sun, MJ Turmon
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 256 (2), 26, 2021
Sunpy: A python package for solar physics
S Mumford, N Freij, S Christe, J Ireland, F Mayer, V Hughitt, A Shih, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (46), 2020
On the solar wind control of cusp aurora during northward IMF
MG Bobra, SM Petrinec, SA Fuselier, ES Claflin, HE Spence
Geophysical research letters 31 (4), 2004
Hinode observations of the onset stage of a solar filament eruption
AC Sterling, RL Moore, TE Berger, M Bobra, JM Davis, P Jibben, R Kano, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 (sp3), S823-S829, 2007
Interpretable machine learning to forecast SEP events for solar cycle 23
S Kasapis, L Zhao, Y Chen, X Wang, M Bobra, T Gombosi
Space Weather 20 (2), e2021SW002842, 2022
Magnetic feature and morphological study of X-ray bright points with Hinode
J Kotoku, R Kano, S Tsuneta, Y Katsukawa, T Shimizu, T Sakao, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 (sp3), S735-S743, 2007
drms: A python package for accessing hmi and aia data
K Glogowski, MG Bobra, N Choudhary, AB Amezcua, SJ Mumford
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (40), 1614, 2019
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