Navid Nazemi
Navid Nazemi
Senior Structural Engineer at Jacobs
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Hardness and residual stress modeling of powder injection laser cladding of P420 coating on AISI 1018 substrate
N Nazemi, J Urbanic, M Alam
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 93, 3485-3503, 2017
Predictive modeling and the effect of process parameters on the hardness and bead characteristics for laser-cladded stainless steel
MK Alam, RJ Urbanic, N Nazemi, A Edrisy
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 397-413, 2018
A numerical investigation for alternative toolpath deposition solutions for surface cladding of stainless steel P420 powder on AISI 1018 steel substrate
N Nazemi, RJ Urbanic
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 4123-4143, 2018
An experimental and simulation study for powder injection multitrack laser cladding of P420 stainless steel on AISI 1018 steel for selected mechanical properties
N Nazemi, J Urbanic
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (1), 011009, 2018
A finite element analysis for thermal analysis of laser cladding of mild steel with P420 steel powder
N Nazemi, J Urbanic
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 50527 …, 2016
Strength characteristics of heat-affected zones in welded aluminum connections
N Nazemi, F Ghrib
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 145 (12), 04019103, 2019
Material bead deposition with 2+ 2 ½ multi-axis machining process planning strategies with virtual verification for extruded geometry
RJ Urbanic, RW Hedrick, S Saquib, N Nazemi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 3167-3184, 2018
Effect of monotonic and cyclic bending deformations on NPS12 wrinkled steel pipeline
S Das, JJ Cheng, DW Murray, N Nazemi
Journal of structural engineering 134 (12), 1810-1817, 2008
Identification of the mechanical properties in the heat-affected zone of aluminum welded structures
N Nazemi
University of Windsor, 2015
Behavior of X60 line pipe under combined axial and transverse loads with internal pressure
N Nazemi
University of Windsor, 2009
A hardness study on laser cladded surfaces for a selected bead overlap conditions
N Nazemi, MK Alam, RJ Urbanic, S Saqib, A Edrisy
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
Predictive modelling of residual stresses for single bead P420 laser cladding onto an AISI 1018 substrate
B Mohajernia, RJ Urbanic, N Nazemi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (10), 236-241, 2019
The HAZ in Aluminum Welding Revisited
N Nazemi, F Ghrib, J Sokolowski
3rd spciality conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, 2013
Behavior of X60 line pipe subjected to axial and lateral deformations
N Nazemi, S Das
A Numerical Analysis Approach to Evaluate Hardness and Distortion for Selected Multi-Track Laser Cladding Configurations: P420 Steel Bead Deposition on Mild Steel
N Nazemi, RJ Urbanic
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 58356 …, 2017
Finite element analysis for telescopic deformation and tearing rupture of wrinkled pipe
N Nazemi, S Das, S Kenno
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 19 (03), 2009
Behaviour of wrinkled linepipe subjected to internal pressure and eccentric axial compression load.
N Nazemi, S Kenno, S Das
Journal of Pipeline Engineering 8 (3), 2009
Finite element simulation for shear failure of wrinkled pipeline
N Nazemi, S Das, WM El-Tawil
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-08-273, 2008
Developing geometric analysis tools to compare heat map results for metal additive manufactured components
RJ Urbanic, B Mohajernia, N Nazemi
Comput Aided Des Appl 17 (2), 288-311, 2019
Investigating Process Parameters and Microhardness Predictive Modeling Approaches for Single Bead 420 Stainless Steel Laser Cladding
MK Alam, N Nazemi, RJ Urbanic, S Saqib, A Edrisy
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
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