Christophe Audouze
Christophe Audouze
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
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Recent developments of the ABINIT software package
G Xavier, Jollet, A Araujo, Adams, Amadon, Applencourt, Audouze, ...
Computer Physics Communications 205, 106-131, 2016
Reduced‐order modeling of parameterized PDEs using time–space‐parameter principal component analysis
C Audouze, F De Vuyst, PB Nair
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 80 (8), 1025-1057, 2009
Nonintrusive reduced‐order modeling of parametrized time‐dependent partial differential equations
C Audouze, F De Vuyst, PB Nair
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 29 (5), 1587-1628, 2013
Projector augmented-wave approach to density-functional perturbation theory
C Audouze, F Jollet, M Torrent, X Gonze
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (23), 235101, 2006
Comparison between projector augmented-wave and ultrasoft pseudopotential formalisms at the density-functional perturbation theory level
C Audouze, F Jollet, M Torrent, X Gonze
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (3), 035105, 2008
Symplectic multi-time step parareal algorithms applied to molecular dynamics
C Audouze, M Massot, S Volz
Galerkin reduced‐order modeling scheme for time‐dependent randomly parametrized linear partial differential equations
C Audouze, PB Nair
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 92 (4), 370-398, 2012
Preconditioned gradient flows for nonlinear eigenvalue problems and application to the Hartree‐Fock functional
F Alouges, C Audouze
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2009
Anchored ANOVA Petrov–Galerkin projection schemes for parabolic stochastic partial differential equations
C Audouze, PB Nair
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 276, 362-395, 2014
A priori error analysis of stochastic Galerkin projection schemes for randomly parametrized ordinary differential equations
C Audouze, P Nair
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 2016
Anchored analysis of variance Petrov–Galerkin projection schemes for linear stochastic structural dynamics
L Gao, C Audouze, P Nair
Royal Proceedings A 471, 2015
Some a priori error estimates for finite element approximations of elliptic and parabolic linear stochastic partial differential equations
C Audouze, P Nair
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 4, 423-454, 2014
Physics-based metamodeling for parameterized pde problems using space-parameter space principal component analysis
F De Vuyst, C Audouze
Model Reduction: Theory and Applications, 2007
Sparse approximate solutions to stochastic Galerkin equations
C Audouze, PB Nair
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 357 (6), 561-570, 2019
Robust Level-Set-Based Topology Optimization Under Uncertainties Using Anchored ANOVA Petrov–Galerkin Method
C Audouze, A Klein, A Butscher, N Morris, P Nair, M Yano
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 11 (3), 877-905, 2023
Sparse low-rank separated representation models for learning from data
C Audouze, PB Nair
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2221), 20180490, 2019
A stopping criterion for iterative solution of stochastic Galerkin matrix equations
C Audouze, P Hakansson, P Nair
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 2016
The parareal algorithm as time domain decomposition method. Applications in Finance and Biology
C Audouze, F Daïm, F De Vuyst, P Laurent, I Muni-Toke
Schwarz algorithms and domain decompositions methods 3, 2013
Implementation of density-functional perturbation theory within ABINIT: Projector augmented-waves and spin-orbit
X Gonze, M Verstraete, C Audouze, M Torrent, F Jollet
AIP Conference Proceedings 1504 (1), 944-947, 2012
Vers une parallélisation par bandes en chimie quantique
C Audouze
Laboratoire de Mathématique, UMR CNRS 8628, 1-8, 0
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Articles 1–20