José Jair Alves Mendes Junior
José Jair Alves Mendes Junior
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Sensor fusion and smart sensor in sports and biomedical applications
JJA Mendes Jr, MEM Vieira, MB Pires, SL Stevan Jr
Sensors 16 (10), 1569, 2016
Sensors and systems for physical rehabilitation and health monitoring—A review
LMS Nascimento, LV Bonfati, MLB Freitas, JJA Mendes Junior, ...
Sensors 20 (15), 4063, 2020
Feature selection and dimensionality reduction: An extensive comparison in hand gesture classification by sEMG in eight channels armband approach
JJAM Junior, MLB Freitas, HV Siqueira, AE Lazzaretti, SF Pichorim, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 59, 101920, 2020
A prototype to detect the alcohol content of beers based on an electronic nose
HGJ Voss, JJA Mendes Júnior, ME Farinelli, SL Stevan Jr
Sensors 19 (11), 2646, 2019
Comparative analysis among feature selection of sEMG signal for hand gesture classification by armband
JJAM Junior, M Freitas, H Siqueira, AE Lazzaretti, S Stevan, SF Pichorim
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (06), 1135-1143, 2020
An instrumented glove for recognition of Brazilian sign language alphabet
TS Dias, JJAM Júnior, SF Pichorim
IEEE sensors journal 22 (3), 2518-2529, 2021
Analysis of influence of segmentation, features, and classification in sEMG processing: A case study of recognition of brazilian sign language alphabet
JJA Mendes Junior, MLB Freitas, DP Campos, FA Farinelli, SL Stevan Jr, ...
Sensors 20 (16), 4359, 2020
Hand gestures classification using multichannel sEMG armband
M La Banca Freitas, JJA Mendes, DP Campos, SL Stevan
XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: CBEB 2018, Armação de …, 2019
Long period Bragg grating in coaxial transmission lines
SL Stevan Jr, JJA Mendes Júnior, FC Janzen, ML Oliveira, AAP Pohl
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 14 …, 2015
Recognition of Libras Static Alphabet with MyoTM and Multi-Layer Perceptron
JJA Mendes Junior, MLB Freitas, SL Stevan, SF Pichorim
XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: CBEB 2018, Armação de …, 2019
Comparison between handcraft feature extraction and methods based on Recurrent Neural Network models for gesture recognition by instrumented gloves: A case for Brazilian Sign …
TS Dias, JJAM Junior, SF Pichorim
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 80, 104201, 2023
AD8232 to biopotentials sensors: Open source project and benchmark
JJA Mendes Junior, DP Campos, LCAVD Biassio, PC Passos, PB Júnior, ...
Electronics 12 (4), 833, 2023
Comparative study of forecasting approaches in monthly streamflow series from Brazilian hydroelectric plants using Extreme Learning Machines and Box & Jenkins models
J Belotti, JJ Mendes, M Leme, F Trojan, SL Stevan, H Siqueira
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 69 (2), 180-195, 2021
Fundamentos da medição do eeg: Uma introdução
TL Cantarelli, J Júnior, SLS Júnior
Semin. ELETRONICA E AUTOMAÇÃO, Ponta Grossa, 2016
Correlation analysis of in-vehicle sensors data and driver signals in identifying driving and driver behaviors
LV Bonfati, JJA Mendes Junior, HV Siqueira, SL Stevan Jr
Sensors 23 (1), 263, 2022
Circuit Design for Surface Electromyography Data Acquisition
SL Stevan Jr, SO JJAM Jr, FC Janzen, EA Jr
IEEE Lat. Am. Trans 13 (10), 3193-3200, 2015
Surgical Instrument Signaling Gesture Recognition Using Surface Electromyography Signals
MLB Freitas, JJA Mendes Jr, TS Dias, HV Siqueira, SL Stevan Jr
Sensors 23 (13), 6233, 2023
How do sEMG segmentation parameters influence pattern recognition process? An approach based on wearable sEMG sensor
JJAM Junior, CE Pontim, TS Dias, DP Campos
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 81, 104546, 2023
Wearable Device for EMG and EOG acquisition
F Garcia, JJAM Junior, MLB Freitas, SL Stevan Jr
Journal of applied instrumentation and control 6 (1), 30-35, 2019
Desenvolvimento de armband com fusão de sEMG e giroscópio para identificação de grupos musculares do braço
JJAM Júnior, MB Pires, MEM Vieira, S Okida, SL Stevan Jr
Anais do XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, 528-531, 2016
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Articles 1–20