Non-commutative quantum mechanics and the Aharonov-Casher effect B Mirza, M Zarei
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 32, 583-586, 2004
121 2004 Anisotropic inflation from charged scalar fields R Emami, H Firouzjahi, SMS Movahed, M Zarei
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2011 (02), 005, 2011
91 2011 Generation of circular polarization of the CMB M Zarei, E Bavarsad, M Haghighat, R Mohammadi, I Motie, Z Rezaei
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (8), 084035, 2010
84 2010 CMB and reheating constraints to -attractor inflationary models M Eshaghi, M Zarei, N Riazi, A Kiasatpour
Physical Review D 93 (12), 123517, 2016
67 2016 Aharonov–Casher effect for spin-1 particles in a non-commutative space B Mirza, R Narimani, M Zarei
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 48, 641-645, 2006
52 2006 Anisotropic inflation with the nonvacuum initial state R Emami, H Firouzjahi, M Zarei
Physical Review D 90 (2), 023504, 2014
42 2014 Photon-graviton scattering: A new way to detect anisotropic gravitational waves? N Bartolo, A Hoseinpour, G Orlando, S Matarrese, M Zarei
Physical Review D 98 (2), 023518, 2018
37 2018 Minimal uncertainty in momentum: the effects of IR gravity on quantum mechanics M Zarei, B Mirza
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (12), 125007, 2009
34 2009 On the running of the spectral index to all orders: a new model-dependent approach to constrain inflationary models M Zarei
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33 (11), 115008, 2016
28 2016 CMB circular and -mode polarization from new interactions N Bartolo, A Hoseinpour, S Matarrese, G Orlando, M Zarei
Physical Review D 100 (4), 043516, 2019
27 2019 Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary S Abend, B Allard, I Alonso, J Antoniadis, H Araujo, G Arduini, A Arnold, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08183, 2023
26 2023 Non-Markovian open quantum system approach to the early Universe: Damping of gravitational waves by matter M Zarei, N Bartolo, D Bertacca, S Matarrese, A Ricciardone
Physical Review D 104 (8), 083508, 2021
18 2021 CMB modes from photon-photon forward scattering revisited A Hoseinpour, M Zarei, G Orlando, N Bartolo, S Matarrese
Physical Review D 102 (6), 063501, 2020
18 2020 Vector disformal transformation of cosmological perturbations V Papadopoulos, M Zarei, H Firouzjahi, S Mukohyama
Physical Review D 97 (6), 063521, 2018
17 2018 Fragmentation functions of the pion, kaon, and proton in the NLO approximation: Laplace transform approach M Zarei, F Taghavi-Shahri, SA Tehrani, M Sarbishei
Physical Review D 92 (7), 074046, 2015
17 2015 Slow-roll trajectories in chromo-natural and gauge-flation models: an exhaustive analysis A Maleknejad, M Zarei
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (4), 043509, 2013
16 2013 Open quantum system approach to the gravitational decoherence of spin- particles M Sharifian, M Zarei, M Abdi, N Bartolo, S Matarrese
Physical Review D 109 (4), 043510, 2024
15 2024 Probing virtual axion-like particles by precision phase measurements M Zarei, S Shakeri, M Sharifian, M Abdi, DJE Marsh, S Matarrese
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (06), 012, 2022
15 2022 Short distance physics and initial state effects on the CMB power spectrum M Zarei
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (12), 123502, 2008
15 2008 Survey study of effective factors on maternal mortality in Kurdestan province from 1998 to 2002 SH Golyan Tehrani, K Holakoei, M Zarei
Hayat 10 (2), 47-54, 2004
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