Dr. Ahmad Lahmi, M.A
Dr. Ahmad Lahmi, M.A
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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Peran e-commerce terhadap perekonomian Indonesia selama pandemi Covid-19
S Ayu, A Lahmi
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis 9 (2), 114-123, 2020
E-Learning Process of Maharah Qira’ah in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic
AW Ritonga, M Ritonga, T Nurdianto, M Kustati, L Rehani
International Journal of Higher Education 9 (6), 227-235, 2020
Arabic as foreign language learning in pandemic COVID-19 as perceived by students and teachers
M Ritonga, M Kustati, M Budiarti, A Lahmi, M Asmara, R Kurniawan, ...
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (1), 75-92, 2021
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The contribution of Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah (LAZISMU) institutions in handling the impact of Covid-19
M Mursal, M Ritonga, F Sartika, A Lahmi, T Nurdianto, L Alam
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 13 (1), 118-124, 2023
The existence of yellow books (Kitab kuning) as the sources of islamic studies at islamic boarding schools within the industrial revolution dialectics
M Ritonga
Available at SSRN 3752816, 2020
Online learning in the low Internet area, planning, strategies and problems faced by students during the Covid-19 period
F Sartika, M Ritonga, A Lahmi, A Rasyid, SR Febriani
Artificial intelligence for COVID-19, 413-421, 2021
The role of parents in forming morality adolescents puberty in globalization era
AL Azhar, A Rasyid, M Ritonga, R Saputra
International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking 13 …, 2020
Peranan Sekolah Dalam Pendidikan Islam
A Lahmi
Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 1 (2), 120-137, 2016
Analisis Upaya, Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat Pembelajaran Alquran dan Hadis di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kota Padang, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia
A Lahmi, A Rasyid, J Jummadillah
DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education 3 (2), 213-229, 2020
Sosialisasi pembuatan soal melalui google form dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru pai
M Ritonga, A Lahmi, R Rimelfi, F Bahri, IT Bagindo
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (4), 347-354, 2020
The rise of the urban piety movement: Jamaah Maiyah as an urban spiritualism and emerging religiosity in the public sphere
L Alam, A Lahmi, M Alam, A Aminah
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun 10 (3), 745-762, 2022
The Use of Audiovisual Media in Learning and Its Impact on Learning Outcomes of Islamic Cultural History at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasaman (Cek Similarity)
S Syofiarti, S Riki, L Ahmad, R Rahmi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, 2022
Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic period: Studies on the social presence and affective and cognitive engagement of students
M Ritonga, A Lahmi, R Saputra, N Nofrizaldi
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 12 (1), 207-212, 2022
The Management of Arabic Language and Yellow Book Curriculum Planning at Islamic Boarding School in Respond to the Freedom to Learn Education System
M Ritonga, S Purnamasari, M Budiarti, A Lahmi, T Nurdianto, S Zulfida
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 24 (1), 1-10, 2021
Curriculum Development Strategy Management for Student Mental Health in Covid-19 Pandemic
M Ritonga, A Lahmi, S Bambang, Ayu, F S., D Asmaret, S & Afdhal
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12 (2), 4489-4494, 2020
Arabic Learning Orientation in Ma'had and Islamic Boarding Schools, and its Relevance to the Need for Human Resources with Language Skills in the Globalization Era.
M Ritonga, H Widodo, A Lahmi, M Budiarti, F Annova
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 13 (2), 2021
The Teachers Unpreparedness in Carrying Out Islamic Education Learning using the Revised 2013 Curriculum in Elementary School
SA Husna, M Ritonga, A Lahmi, R Saputra, S Ayu
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (2), 1520-1528, 2020
Internet, Pesantren and management strategies educational building
M Ritonga
Pesantren and Management Strategies Educational Building (April 1, 2020), 2020
Islamic Parenting and Motivation from Parents and Its Influence on Children's Ability to Read the Quran
E Elvina, M Ritonga, A Lahmi
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna 12 (2), 121-134, 2021
Artificial intelligence for COVID-19
D Oliva, SA Hassan, A Mohamed
Springer, 2021
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