Thanasis Zisis
Thanasis Zisis
Professor, National Technical University of Athens, SAMPS, Department of Mechanics
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Flow of Bingham plastics in a lid-driven square cavity
E Mitsoulis, T Zisis
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 101 (1-3), 173-180, 2001
Viscoplastic flow around a cylinder kept between parallel plates
T Zisis, E Mitsoulis
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 105 (1), 1-20, 2002
Some basic contact problems in couple stress elasticity
T Zisis, PA Gourgiotis, KP Baxevanakis, HG Georgiadis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (11-12), 2084-2095, 2014
The Hertz contact problem in couple-stress elasticity
PA Gourgiotis, T Zisis, AE Giannakopoulos, HG Georgiadis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 168, 228-237, 2019
Capillary flow of low‐density polyethylene
M Ansari, T Zisis, SG Hatzikiriakos, E Mitsoulis
Polymer Engineering & Science 52 (3), 649-662, 2012
The erosion of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings: The competition between mechanisms
NA Fleck, T Zisis
Wear 268 (11-12), 1214-1224, 2010
Analysis of the tilted flat punch in couple-stress elasticity
PA Gourgiotis, T Zisis, KP Baxevanakis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 85, 34-43, 2016
Two-dimensional indentation of microstructured solids characterized by couple-stress elasticity
P Gourgiotis, T Zisis
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 51 (4), 318-331, 2016
A contact problem in couple stress thermoelasticity: The indentation by a hot flat punch
T Zisis, PA Gourgiotis, F Dal Corso
International Journal of Solids and Structures 63, 226-239, 2015
Analysis of Knoop indentation
AE Giannakopoulos, T Zisis
International journal of solids and structures 48 (1), 175-190, 2011
The elastic–plastic indentation response of a columnar thermal barrier coating
T Zisis, NA Fleck
Wear 268 (3-4), 443-454, 2010
Uniformly moving antiplane crack in flexoelectric materials
AE Giannakopoulos, T Zisis
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 85, 104136, 2020
Dynamical response of an embedded nanobeam by using nonlocal integral stress models
KG Eptaimeros, CC Koutsoumaris, IT Dernikas, T Zisis
Composites Part B: Engineering 150, 255-268, 2018
Evaluation of material properties of incompressible hyperelastic materials based on instrumented indentation of an equal-biaxial prestretched substrate
T Zisis, VI Zafiropoulou, AE Giannakopoulos
International Journal of Solids and Structures 64, 132-144, 2015
On concentrated surface loads and Green's functions in the Toupin–Mindlin theory of strain-gradient elasticity
PA Gourgiotis, T Zisis, HG Georgiadis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 130, 153-171, 2018
Analysis of Knoop indentation strain hardening effects
T Zisis, AE Giannakopoulos
International journal of solids and structures 48 (22-23), 3217-3231, 2011
Pressure-driven flows of Bingham plastics over a square cavity
E Mitsoulis, S Marangoudakis, M Spyratos, T Zisis, NA Malamataris
Uniformly moving screw dislocation in flexoelectric materials
AE Giannakopoulos, T Zisis
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 78, 103843, 2019
Steady-state antiplane crack considering the flexoelectrics effect: surface waves and flexoelectric metamaterials
AE Giannakopoulos, T Zisis
Archive of Applied Mechanics 91 (2), 713-738, 2021
Development of strong surfaces using functionally graded composites inspired by natural teeth—a theoretical approach
AE Giannakopoulos, A Kordolemis, T Zisis
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Articles 1–20