Aleksey Kabanov (Алексей Кабанов)
Aleksey Kabanov (Алексей Кабанов)
Sevastopol State University
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Marine Internet of Things Platforms for Interoperability of Marine Robotic Agents: An Overview of Concepts and Architectures
A Kabanov, V Kramar
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (9), 1279, 2022
Design and Modeling of an Experimental ROV with Six Degrees of Freedom
A Kabanov, V Kramar, I Ermakov
Drones 5 (4), 113, 2021
Optimal Control of Mobile Robot’s Trajectory Movement
AA Kabanov
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 9, 398-404, 2014
An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Solving Inverse Kinematics Problem for an Anthropomorphic Manipulator of Robot SAR-401
V Kramar, O Kramar, A Kabanov
Machines 10 (4), 241, 2022
Функционально устойчивые системы управления: асимптотические методы синтеза
СА Дубовик, АА Кабанов
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Научно-издательский центр ИНФРА-М», 2019
The modeling of an anthropomorphic robot arm
A Kabanov, A Balabanov
MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 02034, 2018
Мера устойчивости к сингулярным возмущениям и робастные свойства линейных систем
АА Кабанов, СА Дубовик
Проблемы управления и информатики, 17-28, 2010
Feedback Linearization of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems with State-dependent Coefficients
AA Kabanov
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 1-8, 2020
Methods of modeling and probabilistic analysis of large deviations of dynamic systems
AA Kabanov, SA Dubovik
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1661 (1), 012044, 2020
Следящие приводы промышленного технологического оборудования
ЕВ Пашков, ВА Крамарь, АА Кабанов
Электрон. дан.-СПб.: Лань, 2015
Anomaly Detection in Biological Early Warning Systems Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
AN Grekov, AA Kabanov, EV Vyshkvarkova, VV Trusevich
Sensors 23 (5), 2687, 2023
Collision detection and avoidance method for two cooperative robot manipulators
AA Kabanov, DA Tokarev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 709 (4), 044021, 2020
Application of linear algebra approaches for predicting self-collisions of dual-arm multi-link robot
V Kramar, A Kabanov, V Alchakov
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 9 (11 …, 2020
Modeling and control of tracked mobile robot
VAK A.A Kabanov
3rd International Scientific Congress 50 Anniversary Technical University of …, 2012
Modeling and testing of control system for an underwater dual-arm robot
V Kramar, A Kabanov, O Kramar, A Putin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 971 (4), 042076, 2020
The design of optimal lateral motion control of an UAV using the linear-quadratic optimization method in the complex domain
V Kramar, V Alchakov, A Kabanov, S Dudnikov, A Dmitriev
International Review of Aerospace Engineering 13 (6), 217-227, 2020
Синтез управления посадкой летательного аппарата с вращающимся вектором тяги
СА Дубовик, АА Кабанов
Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы 7 (2), 41-48, 2009
Cooperative Control of Underwater Vehicle–Manipulator Systems Based on the SDC Method
A Kabanov, V Kramar, I Lipko, K Dementiev
Sensors 22 (13), 5038, 2022
A Mathematical Model for a Conceptual Design and Analyses of UAV Stabilization Systems
V Kramar, A Kabanov, S Dudnikov
Fluids 6 (5), 172, 2021
Full-state Linearization of Systems via Feedback Using Similarity Transformation
AA Kabanov
2016 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON …, 2016
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