Sergey G. Psakhie
Sergey G. Psakhie
Director of the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Rus. Acad. Sci. 2002-2018
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Ferri-liposomes as an MRI-visible drug-delivery system for targeting tumours and their microenvironment
OV Georgy Mikhaylov, Ursa Mikac, Anna A Magaeva, Volya I Itin, Evgeniy P ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (9), 594-602, 2011
Nanostructured titanium-based materials for medical implants: Modeling and development
L Mishnaevsky Jr, E Levashov, RZ Valiev, J Segurado, I Sabirov, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 81, 1-19, 2014
Movable cellular automata method for simulating materials with mesostructure
SG Psakhie, Y Horie, GP Ostermeyer, SY Korostelev, AY Smolin, ...
Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 37 (1-3), 311-334, 2001
Физическая мезомеханика и компьютерное конструирование материалов
СГ Псахье, СИ Негрескул, КП Зольников
Новосибирск: Наука, 1995
Overcoming the limitations of distinct element method for multiscale modeling of materials with multimodal internal structure
EV Shilko, SG Psakhie, S Schmauder, VL Popov, SV Astafurov, ...
Computational materials science 102, 267-285, 2015
Synthesis of Al nanoparticles and Al/AlN composite nanoparticles by electrical explosion of aluminum wires in argon and nitrogen
MI Lerner, EA Glazkova, AS Lozhkomoev, NV Svarovskaya, OV Bakina, ...
Powder Technology 295, 307-314, 2016
Numerical simulation methods in tribology
VL Popov, SG Psakhie
Tribology International 40 (6), 916-923, 2007
A mathematical model of particle–particle interaction for discrete element based modeling of deformation and fracture of heterogeneous elastic–plastic materials
SG Psakhie, EV Shilko, AS Grigoriev, SV Astafurov, AV Dimaki, AY Smolin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 130, 96-115, 2014
Structures of binary metallic nanoparticles produced by electrical explosion of two wires from immiscible elements
MI Lerner, AV Pervikov, EA Glazkova, NV Svarovskaya, AS Lozhkomoev, ...
Powder Technology 288, 371-378, 2016
Effect of heat input on phase content, crystalline lattice parameter, and residual strain in wire-feed electron beam additive manufactured 304 stainless steel
SY Tarasov, AV Filippov, NL Savchenko, SV Fortuna, VE Rubtsov, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 99, 2353-2363, 2018
Multiscale simulation of dry friction in wheel/rail contact
F Bucher, AI Dmitriev, M Ertz, K Knothe, VL Popov, SG Psakhie, EV Shilko
Wear 261 (7-8), 874-884, 2006
Friction coefficient in" rail-wheel"-contacts as a function of material and loading parameters
VL Popov, SG Psakhie, EV Shilko, AI Dmitriev, K Knothe, F Bucher, M Ertz
PHYSICAL MESOMECHANICS. 5 (3/4), 17-24, 2002
Метод подвижных клеточных автоматов как новое направление дискретной вычислительной механики. I. Теоретическое описание
СГ Псахье, ГП Остермайер, АИ Дмитриев, ЕВ Шилько, АЮ Смолин, ...
Физическая мезомеханика 3 (2), 5-13, 2000
Development of a formalism of movable cellular automaton method for numerical modeling of fracture of heterogeneous elastic-plastic materials
S Psakhie, E Shilko, A Smolin, S Astafurov, V Ovcharenko
Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 7 (24), 26-59, 2013
Method of movable cellular automata as a tool for simulation within the framework of mesomechanics
SG Psakhie, Y Horie, SY Korostelev, AY Smolin, AI Dmitriev, EV Shilko, ...
Russian Physics Journal 38 (11), 1157-1168, 1995
Approach to simulation of deformation and fracture of hierarchically organized heterogeneous media, including contrast media
SG Psakhie, EV Shilko, AY Smolin, AV Dimaki, AI Dmitriev, ...
Physical Mesomechanics 14 (5-6), 224-248, 2011
Synthesis of core–shell AlOOH hollow nanospheres by reacting Al nanoparticles with water
AS Lozhkomoev, EA Glazkova, OV Bakina, MI Lerner, I Gotman, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (20), 205603, 2016
A coupled discrete element‐finite difference approach for modeling mechanical response of fluid‐saturated porous materials
SG Psakhie, AV Dimaki, EV Shilko, SV Astafurov
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 106 (8), 623-643, 2016
Inspection of aluminum alloys by a multi-frequency eddy current method
AV Egorov, VV Polyakov, DS Salita, EA Kolubaev, SG Psakhie, ...
Defence Technology 11 (2), 99-103, 2015
Production technology, characteristics, and some applications of electric-explosion nanopowders of metals
MI Lerner, NV Svarovskaya, SG Psakhie, OV Bakina
Nanotechnologies in Russia 4, 741-757, 2009
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