Nonreciprocal charge transport in noncentrosymmetric superconductors R Wakatsuki, Y Saito, S Hoshino, YM Itahashi, T Ideue, M Ezawa, Y Iwasa, ...
Science advances 3 (4), e1602390, 2017
320 2017 Nickelate superconductors: Multiorbital nature and spin freezing P Werner, S Hoshino
Physical Review B 101 (4), 041104, 2020
162 2020 Disorder-induced multifractal superconductivity in monolayer niobium dichalcogenides K Zhao, H Lin, X Xiao, W Huang, W Yao, M Yan, Y Xing, Q Zhang, ZX Li, ...
Nature Physics 15 (9), 904-910, 2019
135 2019 Nonreciprocal charge transport in two-dimensional noncentrosymmetric superconductors S Hoshino, R Wakatsuki, K Hamamoto, N Nagaosa
Physical Review B 98 (5), 054510, 2018
132 2018 Superconductivity from emerging magnetic moments S Hoshino, P Werner
Physical review letters 115 (24), 247001, 2015
109 2015 Phase diagram of pyrochlore iridates: all-in–all-out magnetic ordering and non-Fermi-liquid properties H Shinaoka, S Hoshino, M Troyer, P Werner
Physical review letters 115 (15), 156401, 2015
93 2015 Electronic orders in multiorbital Hubbard models with lifted orbital degeneracy S Hoshino, P Werner
Physical Review B 93 (15), 155161, 2016
81 2016 Finite-temperature properties of three-dimensional chiral helimagnets M Shinozaki, S Hoshino, Y Masaki, J Kishine, Y Kato
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (7), 074710, 2016
80 2016 Itinerant versus localized heavy-electron magnetism S Hoshino, Y Kuramoto
Physical review letters 111 (2), 026401, 2013
62 2013 Superconductivity of composite particles in a two-channel Kondo lattice S Hoshino, Y Kuramoto
Physical review letters 112 (16), 167204, 2014
61 2014 Spontaneous Orbital-Selective Mott Transitions and the Jahn-Teller Metal of S Hoshino, P Werner
Physical review letters 118 (17), 177002, 2017
56 2017 Current-induced dynamics of skyrmion strings T Yokouchi, S Hoshino, N Kanazawa, A Kikkawa, D Morikawa, K Shibata, ...
Science advances 4 (8), eaat1115, 2018
55 2018 Diagonal composite order in a two-channel Kondo lattice S Hoshino, J Otsuki, Y Kuramoto
Physical review letters 107 (24), 247202, 2011
55 2011 Spin-freezing perspective on cuprates P Werner, S Hoshino, H Shinaoka
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245134, 2016
48 2016 sparse-ir: Optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators M Wallerberger, S Badr, S Hoshino, S Huber, F Kakizawa, T Koretsune, ...
SoftwareX 21, 101266, 2023
41 2023 Theory of the magnetic skyrmion glass S Hoshino, N Nagaosa
Physical Review B 97 (2), 024413, 2018
41 2018 Resolution of Entropy by Ordering in Two-Channel Kondo Lattice S Hoshino, J Otsuki, Y Kuramoto
journal of the physical society of japan 82 (4), 044707, 2013
41 2013 Odd-frequency pairs in chiral symmetric systems: Spectral bulk-boundary correspondence and topological criticality S Tamura, S Hoshino, Y Tanaka
Physical Review B 99 (18), 184512, 2019
38 2019 Mean-field description of odd-frequency superconductivity with staggered ordering vector S Hoshino
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115154, 2014
37 2014 Enhanced pairing susceptibility in a photodoped two-orbital Hubbard model P Werner, HUR Strand, S Hoshino, Y Murakami, M Eckstein
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165119, 2018
33 2018