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Effects of post deposition annealing, interface states and series resistance on electrical characteristics of HfO2 MOS capacitors
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz, S Kaya, A Aktag
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 26, 8277-8284, 2015
Evaluation of Radiation Sensor Aspects of MOS Capacitors under Zero Gate Bias
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz, A Aktag, S Kaya
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (2), 1284-1293, 2016
Measurements of radon levels in thermal waters of Bursa, Turkey.
O Gurler, U Akar, A Kahraman, S Yalcin, G Kaynak, O Gundogdu
Frequency dependent gamma-ray irradiation response of Sm2O3 MOS capacitors
S Kaya, E Yilmaz, A Kahraman, H Karacali
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2015
Influence of frequency and gamma irradiation on the electrical characteristics of Er2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, and HfO2 MOS-based devices
A Kahraman, SC Deevi, E Yilmaz
Journal of materials science 55 (19), 7999-8040, 2020
Impact and origin of the oxide-interface traps in Al/Yb2O3/n-Si/Al on the electrical characteristics
A Kahraman, H Karacali, E Yilmaz
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 825, 154171, 2020
Irradiation response of radio-frequency sputtered Al/Gd2O3/p-Si MOS capacitors
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 139, 114-119, 2017
Investigation of RadFET response to X-ray and electron beams
E Yilmaz, A Kahraman, AM McGarrigle, N Vasovic, D Yegen, A Jaksic
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 127, 156-160, 2017
Proposal of alternative sensitive region for MOS based radiation sensors: Yb2O3
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 35 (6), 2017
Measurements of radon concentrations in waters and soil gas of Zonguldak, Turkey
A Koray, G Akkaya, A Kahraman, G Kaynak
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 162 (3), 375-381, 2014
Measurements of radium levels in bottled natural spring water of Marmara region (Turkey)
U Akar, O Gurler, A Kahraman, S Yalcin, G Kaynak, O Gundogdu
Romanian Journal of Physics 57 (7-8), 1204-1210, 2012
Understanding of post deposition annealing and substrate temperature effects on structural and electrical properties of Gd2O3 MOS capacitor
A Kahraman
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29 (10), 7993-8001, 2018
Investigation of parameters of new MAPD-3NM silicon photomultipliers
F Ahmadov, G Ahmadov, R Akbarov, A Aktag, E Budak, E Doganci, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 17 (01), C01001, 2022
A comprehensive study on the photon energy response of RadFET dosimeters using the PENELOPE Monte Carlo code
A Kahraman, S Kaya, A Jaksic, E Yilmaz
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 170 (5), 367-376, 2015
Impact of interfacial layer using ultra-thin SiO2 on electrical and structural characteristics of Gd2O3 MOS capacitor
A Kahraman, U Gurer, R Lok, S Kaya, E Yilmaz
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 17473-17482, 2018
The investigation of radionuclide distributions in soil samples collected from Bursa, Turkey
G Akkaya, G Kaynak, A Kahraman, O Gurler
Radiation protection dosimetry 152 (4), 376-383, 2012
Investigation of environmental contamination in lichens of Gökçeada (Imbroz) Island in Turkey
A Kahraman, G Kaynak, O Gurler, S Yalcin, S Ozturk, O Gundogdu
Radiation measurements 44 (2), 199-202, 2009
Effects of the oxide/interface traps on the electrical characteristics in Al/Yb2O3/SiO2/n-Si/Al MOS capacitors
B Morkoç, A Kahraman, E Yılmaz
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 32 (7), 9231-9243, 2021
A comprehensive study on usage of Gd2O3 dielectric in MOS based radiation sensors considering frequency dependent radiation response
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 152, 36-42, 2018
Effects of packing materials on the sensitivity of RadFET with HfO2 gate dielectric for electron and photon sources
A Kahraman, E Yilmaz, S Kaya, A Aktag
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 170 (10), 832-844, 2015
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