On conditionality: a corpus-based study of conditional structures in late modern english scientific texts L Puente-Castelo Universidade da Coruña, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Conditionals and their functions in Women's Scientific Writing L Puente-Castelo, LM Monaco Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 95, 160-169, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Writing History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus I Moskowich, B Crespo, L Puente-Castelo, LM Monaco | 6* | 2019 |
Conditional constructions and their uses in eighteenth-century philosophy and life sciences texts L Puente-Castelo Input a Word, Analyze the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics …, 2016 | 6* | 2016 |
Explaining the use of if... then... structures in CEPhiT L Puente-Castelo "The conditioned and the unconditioned": late Modern English texts on …, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
"If I mistake not": conditionals as stance markers in late Modern English scientific discourse LP Castelo Stancetaking in Late Modern English Scientific writing: Evidence from the …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
The Might of ‘Might’: a Mitigating Strategy in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Female Scientific Discourse L Puente-Castelo, LM Mónaco Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 72, 143-168, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
The Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing: Challenge and Reward I Moskowich, L Puente-Castelo, B Crespo, G Camiña-Rioboó nexus, 31-38, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
“it is proper subserviently, to inquire into the nature of experimental chemistry”: Difficulties in reconciling discipline-based characteristics and compilation criteria in the … L Puente-Castelo, LM Monaco EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics 1, 351-360, 2016 | 2* | 2016 |
Conditionals as interpersonal devices in Late Modern English women’s scientific writing L Puente-Castelo Language Value 16, 68-92, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
The making of the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts (CELiST), a bunch of disciplines I Moskowich “All families and genera”, 1-20, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
" A matter both of curiosity and usefulness": Compiling the Corpus of English Texts on Language LM Monaco, L Puente-Castelo Research in Corpus Linguistics 7, 47-68, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Building bridges, reaching common ground: scope-restricting conditionals in lModE scientific writing LP Castelo Insights in (inter) cultural and cross-cultural communication, 287-304, 2024 | | 2024 |
Writing science in urgent times: CoViD-19 and its impact on scientific writing L Puente-Castelo, I Moskowich ICAME Journal 46 (1), 19-32, 2022 | | 2022 |
Corpus of English Chemistry Texts (CEChet) I Moskowich, L Puente-Castelo, LM Monaco Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2022 | | 2022 |
“If you will take the trouble to inquire into it rather closely, I think you will find that it is not worth very much”: Authorial presence through conditionals and citation … L Puente-Castelo “All families and genera”, 189-208, 2021 | | 2021 |
Were this estimation, however, to be depended on: Inversion Conditionals as evidence of paradigmatic change in CHET L Puente-Castelo Writing History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, 129, 2019 | | 2019 |
On conditionality: a corpus-based study of conditional structures in late modern english scientific texts LP Castelo Universidade da Coruña, 2017 | | 2017 |
Uses of Conditionals in the Work of Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Female Scientists: Applying Quantitative Methods to the Study of Female Discourse in the Coruña Corpus L Puente-Castelo Queering Women's and Gender Studies, 21-43, 2016 | | 2016 |
Pioneiras na ciencia: o papel das mulleres na Revolución científica B Crespo, L Puente-Castelo Roles de xénero nun mundo globalizado / II Xornada Universitaria Galega en …, 2014 | | 2014 |