Christopher Kuenze
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Thoracic spine thrust manipulation improves pain, range of motion, and self-reported function in patients with mechanical neck pain: a systematic review
KM Cross, C Kuenze, T Grindstaff, J Hertel
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 41 (9), 633-642, 2011
Progressive changes in walking kinematics and kinetics after anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction: a review and meta-analysis
LV Slater, JM Hart, AR Kelly, CM Kuenze
Journal of athletic training 52 (9), 847-860, 2017
Improved kinect-based spatiotemporal and kinematic treadmill gait assessment
M Eltoukhy, J Oh, C Kuenze, J Signorile
Gait & posture 51, 77-83, 2017
Quadriceps strength and volitional activation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Lisee, AS Lepley, T Birchmeier, K O’Hagan, C Kuenze
Sports health 11 (2), 163-179, 2019
Persistent neuromuscular and corticomotor quadriceps asymmetry after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
CM Kuenze, J Hertel, A Weltman, D Diduch, SA Saliba, JM Hart
Journal of athletic training 50 (3), 303-312, 2015
Comparative effect of power training and high-speed yoga on motor function in older patients with Parkinson disease
M Ni, JF Signorile, K Mooney, A Balachandran, M Potiaumpai, C Luca, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97 (3), 345-354. e15, 2016
Objectively measured physical activity in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
DR Bell, KA Pfeiffer, LA Cadmus-Bertram, SM Trigsted, A Kelly, EG Post, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 45 (8), 1893-1900, 2017
Perceptions of rehabilitation and return to sport among high school athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a qualitative research study
J DiSanti, C Lisee, K Erickson, D Bell, M Shingles, C Kuenze
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 48 (12), 951-959, 2018
Hip and knee kinematics and kinetics during landing tasks after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AS Lepley, CM Kuenze
Journal of athletic training 53 (2), 144-159, 2018
Clinical thresholds for quadriceps assessment after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
C Kuenze, J Hertel, S Saliba, DR Diduch, A Weltman, JM Hart
Journal of sport rehabilitation 24 (1), 36-46, 2015
MRI-based assessment of lower-extremity muscle volumes in patients before and after ACL reconstruction
GE Norte, KR Knaus, C Kuenze, GG Handsfield, CH Meyer, SS Blemker, ...
Journal of sport rehabilitation 27 (3), 201-212, 2018
Quadriceps muscle function after rehabilitation with cryotherapy in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
JM Hart, CM Kuenze, DR Diduch, CD Ingersoll
Journal of athletic training 49 (6), 733-739, 2014
Microsoft Kinect can distinguish differences in over-ground gait between older persons with and without Parkinson's disease
M Eltoukhy, C Kuenze, J Oh, M Jacopetti, S Wooten, J Signorile
Medical engineering & physics 44, 1-7, 2017
Quadriceps function relates to muscle size following ACL reconstruction
CM Kuenze, SS Blemker, JM Hart
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34 (9), 1656-1662, 2016
Quadriceps muscle size following ACL injury and reconstruction: a systematic review
T Birchmeier, C Lisee, K Kane, B Brazier, A Triplett, C Kuenze
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 38 (3), 598-608, 2020
Gender differences in psychological responses to recovery after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction before return to sport
CM Lisee, JS DiSanti, M Chan, J Ling, K Erickson, M Shingles, ...
Journal of athletic training 55 (10), 1098-1105, 2020
Prediction of ground reaction forces for Parkinson's disease patients using a kinect-driven musculoskeletal gait analysis model
M Eltoukhy, C Kuenze, MS Andersen, J Oh, J Signorile
Medical engineering & physics 50, 75-82, 2017
Jogging biomechanics after exercise in individuals with ACL-reconstructed knees.
C Kuenze, J Hertel, A Weltman, DR Diduch, S Saliba, JM Hart
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 46 (6), 1067-1076, 2014
Arthrogenic muscle inhibition following anterior cruciate ligament injury
B Pietrosimone, AS Lepley, C Kuenze, MS Harkey, JM Hart, JT Blackburn, ...
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 31 (6), 694-706, 2022
Demographic and surgical factors affect quadriceps strength after ACL reconstruction
C Kuenze, B Pietrosimone, C Lisee, M Rutherford, T Birchmeier, A Lepley, ...
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 27, 921-930, 2019
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