Tabea Cornel
Tabea Cornel
Visiting Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities / Gender Studies, New College of Florida
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Matters of sex and gender in FJ Gall’s organology: A primary approach
T Cornel
Gall, Spurzheim, and the Phrenological Movement, 31-48, 2021
Something old, something new, something pseudo, something true: Pejorative and deferential references to phrenology since 1840
T Cornel
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 161 (4), 299-332, 2017
An even-handed debate? The sexed/gendered controversy over laterality genes in British psychology, 1970s–1990s
T Cornel
History of the Human Sciences 33 (5), 138-166, 2020
Sinister Intersectionality a Left-Handed History of Neuro-Centrisms, 1865–2017
T Cornel
University of Pennsylvania, 2019
Contested Numbers: The failed negotiation of objective statistics in a methodological review of Kinsey et al.’s sex research
T Cornel
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1), 13, 2021
A Neurologist’s Take on the History and Philosophy of Science: Epistemic Inconsistencies and Biological Essentialism in Norman Geschwind’s Research on Brain Laterality
T Cornel
MeinNietzsche-: Ein Projekt des Nietzsche-Forums München
HJ Becker, M Ommeln, HO Seitschek, E Wachendorff
Traugott Bautz, 2009
The Neuroscience of Pedophilia
T Cornel
Ingalhalikar, M. et al.(2014). Sex Differences in the Structural Connectome of the Human Brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America …
T Cornel
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