Agnieszka Muchacka-Cymerman
Agnieszka Muchacka-Cymerman
Akademia Humanitas
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Thinking about my existence during COVID-19, I feel anxiety and awe—The mediating role of existential anxiety and life satisfaction on the relationship between PTSD symptoms …
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (19), 7062, 2020
Sex differences in the relationship between student school burnout and problematic internet use among adolescents
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (21), 4107, 2019
Student burnout and PTSD symptoms: The role of existential anxiety and academic fears on students during the COVID 19 pandemic
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Depression research and treatment 2022 (1), 6979310, 2022
Examining the relationship between student school burnout and problematic internet use.
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 20 (2), 16-31, 2020
Syndrom wypalenia w zawodzie nauczyciela iw roli ucznia. Przegląd literaturowy.
A Muchacka-Cymerman, K Tomaszek
Forum Oświatowe 29 (2 (58)), 95-115, 2017
Be aware of burnout! The role of changes in academic burnout in problematic Facebook usage among university students
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (15), 8055, 2021
Polish adaptation of the ESSBS school-burnout scale: pilot study results
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-cymerman
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 34 (2), 418-433, 2019
Wybrane środowiskowe przyczyny syndromu wypalenia uczniów ze szkół gimnazjalnych
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Kwartalnik pedagogiczny 63, 109-126, 2018
Wypalenie szkolne u adolescentów
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Raport z badań polsko-amerykańskich, 2020
Students’ burnout in the E-School Environment: Pilot study results of the validation of the E-learning Burnout Scale
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
International Journal of Research in E-learning 8 (2), 1-28, 2022
The mediating effect of student school burnout on the relationship between coping strategies and Internet addiction
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 10 (4), 287, 2021
Radzenie sobie ze stresem i patogenny wzór zachowania A jako predyktory wypalenia szkolnego uczniów
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Teraźniejszość–Człowiek–Edukacja 21 (3 (83), 67-76, 2018
Creativity and professional development of polish and american teachers
I Czaja-Chudyba, A Muchacka-Cymerman, J Sajdera
EDULEARN18 Proceedings, 9649-9659, 2018
The mediation effect of dark personality traits and sense of coherence on the association between emotional dysregulation and student burnout
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 12 (4), 283-302, 2021
Wypalenie szkolne u adolescentów: raport z badań polsko-amerykańskich
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Wydawnictwo PETRUS, 2020
Does time really heal? Academic burnout and life satisfaction as predictors of post-traumatic growth during the Covid 19 pandemic
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society 18 (2), 41-49, 2022
How Do High and Low Burnout Students Cope with Stressful Situations? Examining Associations Between Coping Mechanism and School Burnout Syndrome
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych (Educational Studies Review) 1 (36), 199–215-199–215, 2022
Youth relationships during the pandemic Covid-19 matter. A mediating role of social resources on e-learning burnout, well-being, and overeating behaviors.
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Current Problems of Psychiatry 24, 2023
‘Just a few more minutes online-and I will release myself from tension’The moderation mediating effect of problematic cyber-activities and Japanese vs. West European culture on …
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman
Studies on the Theory of Education 13 (3 (40)), 127-143, 2022
Who Can Make Burned-Out Students Feel Better and Self-efficient? Latent Profiles of Student Burnout and Its Association to Personal and Social Resources Among Polish and …
K Tomaszek, A Muchacka-Cymerman, A Aypay, F Altınsoy
Child Indicators Research 17 (6), 2481-2502, 2024
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