Nohemi Sala
Nohemi Sala
Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre Evolución Humana
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Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos
JL Arsuaga, I Martínez, LJ Arnold, A Aranburu, A Gracia-Téllez, WD Sharp, ...
Science 344 (6190), 1358-1363, 2014
Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from Sima de los Huesos, Spain
JL Arsuaga, JM Carretero, C Lorenzo, A Gómez-Olivencia, A Pablos, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (37), 11524-11529, 2015
Lethal interpersonal violence in the Middle Pleistocene
N Sala, JL Arsuaga, A Pantoja-Pérez, A Pablos, I Martínez, RM Quam, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0126589, 2015
Unearthing Neanderthal population history using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from cave sediments
B Vernot, EI Zavala, A Gómez-Olivencia, Z Jacobs, V Slon, F Mafessoni, ...
Science 372 (6542), eabf1667, 2021
Understanding the ancient habitats of the last-interglacial (late MIS 5) Neanderthals of central Iberia: Paleoenvironmental and taphonomic evidence from the Cueva del Camino …
JL Arsuaga, E Baquedano, A Pérez-González, N Sala, RM Quam, ...
Quaternary International 275, 55-75, 2012
Taphonomic comparison of bone modifications caused by wild and captive wolves (Canis lupus)
N Sala, JL Arsuaga, G Haynes
Quaternary International 330, 126-135, 2014
First data of Neandertal bird and carnivore exploitation in the Cantabrian region (Axlor; Barandiaran excavations; Dima, Biscay, Northern Iberian Peninsula)
A Gómez-Olivencia, N Sala, C Núñez-Lahuerta, A Sanchis, M Arlegi, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10551, 2018
New bracketing luminescence ages constrain the Sima de los Huesos hominin fossils (Atapuerca, Spain) to MIS 12
M Demuro, LJ Arnold, A Aranburu, N Sala, JL Arsuaga
Journal of Human Evolution 131, 76-95, 2019
Taphonomic studies with wild brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the mountains of northern Spain
N Sala, JL Arsuaga
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2), 1389-1396, 2013
Los yacimientos de vertebrados del Mioceno medio de Somosaguas (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid): implicaciones paleoambientales y paleoclimáticas
M Hernández Fernández, JA Cárdaba, J Cuevas-González, O Fesharaki, ...
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2006
The stratigraphy of the Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Spain) and implications for the origin of the fossil hominin accumulation
A Aranburu, JL Arsuaga, N Sala
Quaternary International 433, 5-21, 2017
Regarding beasts and humans: a review of taphonomic works with living carnivores
N Sala, JL Arsuaga
Quaternary International 466, 131-140, 2018
Carnivore activity in the Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Spain) hominin sample
N Sala, JL Arsuaga, I Martínez, A Gracia-Téllez
Quaternary Science Reviews 97, 71-83, 2014
Breakage patterns in Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Spain) hominin sample
N Sala, JL Arsuaga, I Martínez, A Gracia-Téllez
Journal of Archaeological Science 55, 113-121, 2015
Human talus bones from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)
A Pablos, I Martínez, C Lorenzo, A Gracia, N Sala, JL Arsuaga
Journal of Human Evolution 65 (1), 79-92, 2013
El yacimiento arqueopaleontológico del Pleistoceno Superior de la Cueva del Camino en el Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid)
JL Arsuaga, E Baquedano, A Pérez-González, N Sala, N García García, ...
Museo Arqueológico Regional, 2010
The Sima de los Huesos Crania: Analysis of the cranial breakage patterns
N Sala, A Pantoja-Pérez, JL Arsuaga, A Pablos, I Martínez
Journal of Archaeological Science 72, 25-43, 2016
A taphonomic study of the Búho and Zarzamora caves. Hyenas and humans in the Iberian Plateau (Segovia, Spain) during the Late Pleistocene
N Sala, M Algaba, JL Arsuaga, A Aranburu, A Pantoja
Journal of Taphonomy 10 (3-4), 477-497, 2012
La Ferrassie 1: New perspectives on a “classic” Neandertal
A Gómez-Olivencia, R Quam, N Sala, M Bardey, JC Ohman, A Balzeau
Journal of Human Evolution 117, 13-32, 2018
Homínidos y hienas en el Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid) durante el Pleistoceno superior. Resultados preliminares.
R Huguet Pàmies, JL Arsuaga, A Pérez-González, MC Arriaza, ...
Museo Arqueológico Regional, 2010
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