Sajjad (Saj) Salam, Ph.D., P.E.
Sajjad (Saj) Salam, Ph.D., P.E.
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Effect of plasticity index and dust ratio on moisture-density and strength characteristics of aggregates
A Osouli, S Salam, E Tutumluer
Transportation Geotechnics 9, 69-79, 2016
Suction-induced hardening effects on the shear modulus of unsaturated silt
A Khosravi, S Salam, JS McCartney, A Dadashi
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (6), D4016007, 2016
Evaluation of the effects of shaking history on liquefaction and cone penetration resistance using shake table tests
J Wang, S Salam, M Xiao
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131, 106025, 2020
Fines Inclusion in a Crushed Limestone Unbound Aggregate Base Course Material with 25.4-mm Maximum Particle Size
H Osouli, A., Salam, S., Tutumluer, E., and Shoup
Transportation Geotechnics, 2017
Influence of maximum particle size, fines content, and dust ratio on the behavior of base and subbase coarse aggregates
R Chaulagai, A Osouli, S Salam, E Tutumluer, S Beshears, H Shoup, ...
Transportation Research Record 2655 (1), 20-26, 2017
Crushed limestone aggregate strength influenced by gradation, fines content, and dust ratio
S Salam, A Osouli, E Tutumluer
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 144 (1), 04018002, 2018
Seismic stability of coal tailings dams with spatially variable and liquefiable coal tailings using pore pressure plasticity models
S Salam, M Xiao, A Khosravifar, K Ziotopoulou
Computers and Geotechnics 132, 104017, 2021
Results of soaked and unsoaked California bearing rate tests on unbound aggregates with varying amounts of fines and dust ratios
A Osouli, S Salam, G Othmanawny, E Tutumluer, S Beshears, H Shoup, ...
Transportation Research Record 2655 (1), 13-19, 2017
Studying effects of interface surface roughness, mean particle size, and particle shape on the shear behavior of sand-coated CFRP interface
AM Namjoo, M Baniasadi, K Jafari, S Salam, MM Toufigh, V Toufigh
Transportation Geotechnics 37, 100841, 2022
Characterization of static and dynamic geotechnical properties and behaviors of fine coal refuse
S Salam, M Xiao, A Khosravifar, M Liew, S Liu, J Rostami
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (12), 1901-1916, 2019
Effect of dust ratios on the strength of aggregates with low plasticity fines
A Osouli, S Salam, E Tutumluer, S Beshears, S Flynn
Geo-Chicago 2016, 253-265, 2016
Strain history and short-period aging effects on the strength and cyclic response of fine-grained coal refuse
S Salam, M Xiao, JC Evans
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (10), 04020113, 2020
Time-dependent cone penetration resistance of a postliquefaction sand deposit at shallow depth
J Wang, M Xiao, JC Evans, T Qiu, S Salam
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (6), 04019021, 2019
The effect of shaking history on liquefaction resistance of sand deposit using shake table testing
J Wang, S Salam, M Xiao
Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical …, 2019
Underground disposal of fine coal waste
S Zamiran, S Salam, A Osouli, M Ostadhassan
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2015-224, 2015
Physical modeling of fine coal refuse using shake table testing
S Salam, M Xiao, J Wang
Geo-Congress 2020, 114-122, 2020
Studying effects of interface surface roughness, mean particle size, and particle shape on the shear behavior of sand-coated CFRP interface. Transp Geotech 2022; 37: 100841
AM Namjoo, M Baniasadi, K Jafari, S Salam, M Mohsen Toufigh, ...
Cyclic Behavior and Liquefaction Resistance of Fine Coal Refuse—Experimental and Numerical Modeling
S Salam, M Xiao, A Khosravifar, J Wang
Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical …, 2019
Infill Mobility through Engineered Synthetic Turf on Steep Slopes
H Ismail, M Xiao, S Salam, B Scholl, X Liu
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 147 (8), 04021023, 2021
Cyclic Behavior of Fine Coal Refuse and Seismic Stability of Coal Tailings Dams
S Salam
The Pennsylvania State University, 2020
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