On composition ideals of multilinear mappings and homogeneous polynomials G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 43 (4 …, 2007
95 2007 A unified Pietsch domination theorem G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 365 (1), 269-276, 2010
82 2010 Lipschitz operator ideals and the approximation property D Achour, P Rueda, EA Sánchez-Pérez, R Yahi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 436 (1), 217-236, 2016
49 2016 Weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on Banach spaces D Garcıa, M Maestre, P Rueda
Studia Math 138 (1), 1-24, 2000
43 2000 Pietsch's factorization theorem for dominated polynomials G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Journal of Functional Analysis 243 (1), 257-269, 2007
37 2007 Ideals of homogeneous polynomials RM Aron, P Rueda
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 48 (4), 957-969, 2012
35 2012 Factorization of p-dominated polynomials through Lp-spaces P Rueda, EA Sánchez Pérez
Michigan Mathematical Journal 63 (2), 345-353, 2014
33 2014 Factorization of strongly (p , σ )-continuous multilinear operators D Achour, E Dahia, P Rueda, EA Sánchez Pérez
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62 (12), 1649-1670, 2014
32 2014 Surveying the spirit of absolute summability on multilinear operators and homogeneous polynomials D Pellegrino, P Rueda, EA Sánchez-Pérez
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie …, 2016
31 2016 -Absolutely Lipschitz operatorsD Achour, P Rueda, R Yahi
29 2017 p-Compact holomorphic mappings RM Aron, M Maestre, P Rueda
RACSAM 104 (2), 353-364, 2010
27 2010 Summability of multilinear mappings: Littlewood, Orlicz and beyond O Blasco, G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Monatshefte für Mathematik 163 (2), 131-147, 2011
26 2011 Biduality in spaces of holomorphic functions P Galindo, M Maestre, P Rueda
Mathematica Scandinavica, 5-16, 2000
26 2000 Absolutely summing Lipschitz conjugates R Yahi, D Achour, P Rueda
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 13, 1949-1961, 2016
25 2016 Cotype and absolutely summing linear operators G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Mathematische Zeitschrift 267 (1), 1-7, 2011
25 2011 A nonlinear Pietsch domination theorem G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Monatshefte für Mathematik 158 (3), 247-257, 2009
21 2009 Weakly uniformly continuous holomorphic functions and the approximation property C Boyd, S Dineen, P Rueda
Indagationes Mathematicae 12 (2), 147-156, 2001
21 2001 p-Compact homogeneous polynomials from an ideal point of view RM Aron, P Rueda
Contemp. math 547, 61-71, 2011
20 2011 The v-boundary of weighted spaces of holomorphic functions C Boyd, P Rueda
Annales Fennici Mathematici 30 (2), 337-352, 2005
20 2005 Dominated polynomials on infinite dimensional spaces G Botelho, D Pellegrino, P Rueda
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (1), 209-216, 2010
19 2010