Matteo Lulli
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Canonical Quantum Gravity: Fundamentals and Recent Developments
F Cianfrani, OM Lecian, M Lulli, G Montani
World Scientific, 2014
Spatial heterogeneities in structural temperature cause Kovacs’ expansion gap paradox in aging of glasses
M Lulli, CS Lee, HY Deng, CT Yip, CH Lam
Physical review letters 124 (9), 095501, 2020
Fluidization and wall slip of soft glassy materials by controlled surface roughness
L Derzsi, D Filippi, G Mistura, M Pierno, M Lulli, M Sbragaglia, ...
Physical Review E 95 (5), 052602, 2017
Generalized holographic principle, gauge invariance and the emergence of gravity à la Wilczek
A Addazi, P Chen, F Fabrocini, C Fields, E Greco, M Lulli, A Marciano, ...
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8, 563450, 2021
Metastability at the yield-stress transition in soft glasses
M Lulli, R Benzi, M Sbragaglia
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021031, 2018
Fragile glasses associated with a dramatic drop of entropy under supercooling
CS Lee, M Lulli, LH Zhang, HY Deng, CH Lam
Physical review letters 125 (26), 265703, 2020
Out-of-equilibrium finite-size method for critical behavior analyses
M Lulli, G Parisi, A Pelissetto
Physical Review E 93, 2016
Quantum neural networks and topological quantum field theories
A Marcianò, D Chen, F Fabrocini, C Fields, E Greco, N Gresnigt, K Jinklub, ...
Neural Networks 153, 164-178, 2022
Highly optimized simulations on single- and multi-GPU systems of the 3D Ising spin glass model
M Lulli, M Bernaschi, G Parisi
Computer Physics Communications 196, 290-303, 2015
Configuration-tree theoretical calculation of the mean-squared displacement of particles in glass formers
HY Deng, CS Lee, M Lulli, LH Zhang, CH Lam
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (9), 094014, 2019
GPU based detection of topological changes in Voronoi diagrams
M Bernaschi, M Lulli, M Sbragaglia
Computer Physics Communications 213, 19-28, 2017
On the impact of controlled wall roughness shape on the flow of a soft material
F Pelusi, M Sbragaglia, A Scagliarini, M Lulli, M Bernaschi, S Succi
Europhysics Letters 127 (3), 34005, 2019
Wall fluidization in two acts: from stiff to soft roughness
L Derzsi, D Filippi, M Lulli, G Mistura, M Bernaschi, P Garstecki, ...
Soft matter 14 (7), 1088-1093, 2018
Mesoscale perspective on the Tolman length
M Lulli, L Biferale, G Falcucci, M Sbragaglia, X Shan
Physical Review E 105 (1), 015301, 2022
Stochastic Quantization of General Relativity\a la Ricci-Flow
M Lulli, A Marciano, X Shan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01490, 2021
TLBfind: a Thermal Lattice Boltzmann code for concentrated emulsions with FINite-size Droplets
F Pelusi, M Lulli, M Sbragaglia, M Bernaschi
Computer Physics Communications 273, 108259, 2022
Kovacs effect in glass with material memory revealed in non-equilibrium particle interactions
M Lulli, CS Lee, LH Zhang, HY Deng, CH Lam
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (9), 093303, 2021
Fluidisation and plastic activity in a model soft-glassy material flowing in micro-channels with rough walls
A Scagliarini, M Lulli, M Bernaschi, M Sbragaglia, 2016
Structure and isotropy of lattice pressure tensors for multirange potentials
M Lulli, L Biferale, G Falcucci, M Sbragaglia, X Shan
Physical Review E 103 (6), 063309, 2021
Stochastic Ricci Flow dynamics of the gravitationally induced wave-function collapse
M Lulli, A Marciano, K Piscicchia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.10136, 2023
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