Annelore Bezzi
Annelore Bezzi
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Sediment storage at tidal inlets in northern Adriatic lagoons: Ebb-tidal delta morphodynamics, conservation and sand use strategies
G Fontolan, S Pillon, FD Quadri, A Bezzi
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75 (1-2), 261-277, 2007
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: Lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy
D Bonaldo, F Antonioli, R Archetti, A Bezzi, A Correggiari, S Davolio, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 19-37, 2019
Human impact and the historical transformation of saltmarshes in the Marano and Grado Lagoon, northern Adriatic Sea
G Fontolan, S Pillon, A Bezzi, R Villalta, M Lipizer, A Triches, A D'Aietti
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 113, 41-56, 2012
Characteristics of coastal dune topography and vegetation in environments recently modified using beach fill and vegetation plantings, Veneto, Italy
KF Nordstrom, U Gamper, G Fontolan, A Bezzi, NL Jackson
Environmental management 44, 1121-1135, 2009
Beach nourishment and foredune restoration: practices and constraints along the Venetian shoreline, Italy
A Bezzi, G Fontolan, KF Nordstrom, D Carrer, NL Jackson
Journal of Coastal Research, 287-291, 2009
Inventory and conservation assessment for the management of coastal dunes, Veneto coasts, Italy
A Bezzi, S Pillon, D Martinucci, G Fontolan
Journal of Coastal Conservation 22, 503-518, 2018
Suspended particulate mercury associated with tidal fluxes in a lagoon environment impacted by cinnabar mining activity (northern Adriatic Sea)
A Turritto, A Acquavita, A Bezzi, S Covelli, G Fontolan, E Petranich, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 68, 100-113, 2018
Foredune classification and morphodynamic processes along the Veneto coasts (N. Adriatic, Italy
A Bezzi, G Fontolan
Proceedings VI International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal …, 2003
Carta batimetrica della Laguna di Marano e Grado
A Triches, S Pillon, A Bezzi, M Lipizer, E Gordini, R Villalta, G Menchini, ...
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia GiuliaArti Grafiche Friulane/Imoco spa, 2011
Tidal flats morphodynamics: A new conceptual model to predict their evolution over a medium-long period
M Petti, S Pascolo, S Bosa, A Bezzi, G Fontolan
Water 11 (6), 1176, 2019
Modern sedimentary facies in a progradational barrier-spit system: Goro lagoon, Po delta, Italy
A Bezzi, G Casagrande, D Martinucci, S Pillon, C Del Grande, G Fontolan
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 227, 106323, 2019
Rischio da mareggiata
G Fontolan, A Bezzi, S Pillon
Atlante geologico della Provincia di Venezia, 581-600, 2011
From rapid coastal collapse to slow sedimentary recovery: The morphological ups and downs of the modern Po Delta
A Bezzi, S Pillon, C Popesso, G Casagrande, C Da Lio, D Martinucci, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 260, 107499, 2021
Sediment budget and management of the Veneto beaches, Italy: An application of the modified Littoral Cells Management System (SICELL)
G Fontolan, A Bezzi, D Martinucci, S Pillon, C Popesso, F Rizzetto
Proceedings of the Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference CM2 …, 2015
A GIS-based morphological evolution of the Venice lagoon.
S Pillon, G Fontolan, A Bezzi, I Burla, U Tessari, U Simeoni, A Zamariolo, ...
Proceedings of the VI International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal …, 2003
Dune e strumenti di pianificazione: il Piano dell’Arenile del Lido di Venezia
A Bezzi, G Fontolan, F Delli Quadri, S Pillon, G Pilla, M Caiselli
Convegno Nazionale Coste Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare, 15-17, 2008
Quantifying transgressive coastal changes using UAVs: Dune migration, overwash recovery, and barrier flooding assessment and interferences with human and natural assets
G Casagrande, A Bezzi, S Fracaros, D Martinucci, S Pillon, P Salvador, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (5), 1044, 2023
Geomorphological changes of a migrating sandbank: Multidecadal analysis as a tool for managing conflicts in coastal use
A Bezzi, G Casagrande, S Fracaros, D Martinucci, S Pillon, S Sponza, ...
Water 13 (23), 3416, 2021
Trasformazioni ambientali della Laguna di Grado e Marano
G Fontolan, A Bezzi, G Fachin, S Pillon
Stratigrafia dei depositi recenti della Sacca di Goro
G Fontolan, S Covelli, A Bezzi, V Tesolin, U Simeoni
Studi Costieri 2, 65-79, 2000
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