Key parameters governing the precessing vortex core in reacting flows: An experimental and analytical study S Terhaar, K Oberleithner, CO Paschereit
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3347-3354, 2015
112 2015 Why nonuniform density suppresses the precessing vortex core K Oberleithner, S Terhaar, L Rukes, C Oliver Paschereit
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135 (12), 121506, 2013
104 2013 Increasing flashback resistance in lean premixed swirl-stabilized hydrogen combustion by axial air injection TG Reichel, S Terhaar, O Paschereit
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 137 (7), 071503, 2015
101 2015 Response of a swirl-stabilized flame to simultaneous perturbations in equivalence ratio and velocity at high oscillation amplitudes B Ćosić, S Terhaar, JP Moeck, CO Paschereit
Combustion and Flame 162 (4), 1046-1062, 2015
96 2015 Influence of steam dilution on the combustion of natural gas and hydrogen in premixed and rich-quench-lean combustors S Göke, M Füri, G Bourque, B Bobusch, K Göckeler, O Krüger, S Schimek, ...
Fuel processing technology 107, 14-22, 2013
78 2013 Suppression and excitation of the precessing vortex core by acoustic velocity fluctuations: An experimental and analytical study S Terhaar, B Ćosić, CO Paschereit, K Oberleithner
Combustion and Flame 172, 234-251, 2016
64 2016 Experimental study on the unsteady laminar heat transfer downstream of a backwards facing step S Terhaar, A Velazquez, JR Arias, M Sanchez-Sanz
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (5), 457-462, 2010
63 2010 Vortex breakdown types and global modes in swirling combustor flows with axial injection S Terhaar, TG Reichel, C Schrödinger, L Rukes, CO Paschereit, ...
Journal of Propulsion and Power 31 (1), 219-229, 2015
62 2015 Influence of Pressure and Steam Dilution on and CO Emissions in a Premixed Natural Gas Flame S Göke, S Schimek, S Terhaar, T Reichel, K Göckeler, O Krüger, J Fleck, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 136 (9), 091508, 2014
62 2014 Impact of steam-dilution on the flame shape and coherent structures in swirl-stabilized combustors S Terhaar, K Oberleithner, CO Paschereit
Combustion Science and Technology 186 (7), 889-911, 2014
55 2014 Combustion of natural gas, hydrogen and bio-fuels at ultra-wet conditions S Go¨ ke, S Terhaar, S Schimek, K Go¨ ckeler, CO Paschereit
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 54624, 659-670, 2011
53 2011 Emissions of a wet premixed flame of natural gas and a mixture with hydrogen at high pressure P Stathopoulos, P Kuhn, J Wendler, T Tanneberger, S Terhaar, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139 (4), 041507, 2017
46 2017 Large eddy simulations of hydrogen oxidation at ultra-wet conditions in a model gas turbine combustor applying detailed chemistry O Krüger, S Terhaar, CO Paschereit, C Duwig
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135 (2), 021501, 2013
40 2013 Flashback resistance and fuel–air mixing in lean premixed hydrogen combustion TG Reichel, S Terhaar, CO Paschereit
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (3), 690-701, 2018
39 2018 Numerical investigation of the flow field and mixing in a swirl-stabilized burner with a non-swirling axial jet T Tanneberger, TG Reichel, O Krüger, S Terhaar, CO Paschereit
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56697, V04BT04A026, 2015
36 2015 Flow field and flame dynamics of swirling methane and hydrogen flames at dry and steam diluted conditions S Terhaar, O Krüger, CO Paschereit
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 137 (4), 041503, 2015
35 2015 Effects of outlet boundary conditions on the reacting flow field in a swirl-stabilized burner at dry and humid conditions S Terhaar, BC Bobusch, CO Paschereit
31 2012 Acoustic response of Helmholtz dampers in the presence of hot grazing flow B Ćosić, D Waßmer, S Terhaar, CO Paschereit
Journal of Sound and Vibration 335, 1-18, 2015
30 2015 Non-Reacting and Reacting Flow in a Swirl-Stabilized Burner for Ultra-Wet Combustion S Terhaar, K Göckeler, S Schimek, CO Paschereit
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit 27 30 June 2011 Honolulu …, 2011
25 2011 Flow field manipulation by axial air injection to achieve flashback resistance and its impact on mixing quality TG Reichel, S Terhaar, CO Paschereit
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2603, 2013
24 2013