doaa kamal
doaa kamal
Lecturer of medical education
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Influence of personality traits and learning styles on undergraduate medical students’ academic achievement
E Abouzeid, S Fouad, NF Wasfy, R Alkhadragy, M Hefny, D Kamal
Advances in medical education and practice, 769-777, 2021
A guide for evaluation of online learning in medical education: a qualitative reflective analysis
NF Wasfy, E Abouzeid, AA Nasser, SA Ahmed, I Youssry, NN Hegazy, ...
BMC Medical Education 21 (1), 339, 2021
Perception of Students, Staff and Simulated Patients towards Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
S Fouad, E Gouda, AA Nasser, D Kamal
Education in Medicine Journal 11 (2), 2019
Wet specimens, plastinated specimens, or plastic models in learning anatomy: perception of undergraduate medical students
H Atwa, S Dafalla, D Kamal
Medical Science Educator 31, 1479-1486, 2021
“Is there a “best” method for standard setting in OSCE exams? Comparison between four methods (a cross-sectional descriptive study)
D Kamal, M Sallam, E Gouda, S Fouad
Journal of Medical Education 19 (1), e106600, 2020
Perception of online learning among undergraduate students at Suez Canal Medical School during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
NMAB Elsaid, H El Nagar, D Kamal, MY Bayoumi, MG Kamel, AA Abuzeid, ...
Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 85 (1), 2870-2878, 2021
Exploring the relationship between student engagement and burnout syndrome among undergraduate medical students at the faculty of medicine, suez canal university (A cross …
H Hussein, E Gouda, W Talaat, D Kamal
Suez Canal University Medical Journal 24 (2), 155-163, 2021
Evaluation of Two Applied Methods for Standard Setting in Undergraduate Medical Programme at the Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University.
D Kamal, S ElAraby, MH Kamel, S Hosny
Education in Medicine Journal 10 (2), 2018
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Egyptian medical students and how it relates to their academic performance
EM Shebl, NMAB Elsaid, HA Hassan, D Kamal, E Araby
Journal of Family and Community Medicine 30 (4), 287-294, 2023
Examining the psychometrics of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) among medical staff members at the Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt
E Gouda, D Kamal, S Fouad, S Elaraby
Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 22-28, 2022
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating an Online Course on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) for Medical Clerkship Students
H Atwa, NA Baker, A Elshafie, D Kamal
Health Professions Education 10 (1), 11, 2024
Strategies to Improve Active Learning in Medical Education at Institutional and Individual Levels
D Kamal
J Health Prof Edu Innov 1 (1), 5-12, 2024
Relationship between Effort Reward Imbalance and Work Engagement among Medical Staff in Egypt: A Cross-Sectional Analytic Study
D Kamal, NF Wasfy, AFH Taie, S Eltouny, AM Sanad, E Abouzeid, ...
Fortune J Health Sci 5 (1), 1-12, 2022
A guide to best practice in online learning in medical education: A middle east qualitative reflective analysis
NF Wasfy, E Abouzeid, AA Nasser, SA Ahmed, I Youssry, NN Hegazy, ...
Designing, Implementation and Evaluation of “Student as Teacher” Elective Course for Undergraduate Students at the Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University
SM Ibrahim, S Fouad, D Kamal, N Hassan
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 91 (1), 5190-5195, 2023
Faculty as a Change Agent: Lessons Learned from a Change Management Game Virtual Workshop: A Qualitative Study
NF Wasfy, D Kamal, S Fouad, E Abouzeid
Assessing the perception of students, staff and house officers (as role player) regarding using OSCE exams as a tool of assessment and learning at the faculty of medicine, Suez …
S Fouad, E Gouda, D Kamal, A Abdel Nasser
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 111 (suppl_1), hcy200. 107, 2018
Needs Assessment of the Residents at the Suez Canal University Hospital Regarding Continuing Professional De-velopment
D Kamal, N Hassan, M Hany, W Talaat
Suez Canal University Medical Journal 19 (2), 143-151, 2016
Challenges Facing Community-Based Education and Their Suggested Solutions
D Kamal, E Gouda, S El-Araby, N Hassan
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Articles 1–19