The need for uncertainty quantification in machine-assisted medical decision making E Begoli, T Bhattacharya, D Kusnezov
Nature Machine Intelligence 1 (1), 20-23, 2019
476 2019 Spin dynamics in magnets: Equation of motion and finite temperature effects VP Antropov, MI Katsnelson, BN Harmon, M Van Schilfgaarde, ...
Physical Review B 54 (2), 1019, 1996
402 1996 Quantum levy processes and fractional kinetics D Kusnezov, A Bulgac, G Do Dang
Physical review letters 82 (6), 1136, 1999
370 1999 Canonical ensembles from chaos D Kusnezov, A Bulgac, W Bauer
Annals of Physics 204 (1), 155-185, 1990
198 1990 Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Model: Boundary Jumps, Fourier's Law, and Scaling K Aoki, D Kusnezov
Physical review letters 86 (18), 4029, 2001
159 2001 Bulk properties of anharmonic chains in strong thermal gradients: non-equilibrium φ4 theory K Aoki, D Kusnezov
Physics Letters A 265 (4), 250-256, 2000
159 2000 Coalescence of deuterons in relativistic heavy ion collisions JL Nagle, BS Kumar, D Kusnezov, H Sorge, R Mattiello
Physical Review C 53 (1), 367, 1996
152 1996 Scaling properties of the giant dipole resonance width in hot rotating nuclei D Kusnezov, Y Alhassid, KA Snover
Physical review letters 81 (3), 542, 1998
150 1998 Phase transitions in finite nuclei and the integer nucleon number problem RF Casten, D Kusnezov, NV Zamfir
Physical review letters 82 (25), 5000, 1999
145 1999 Canonical ensemble averages from pseudomicrocanonical dynamics A Bulgac, D Kusnezov
Physical Review A 42 (8), 5045, 1990
118 1990 Octupole correlations in the transitional actinides and the spdf interacting boson model NV Zamfir, D Kusnezov
Physical Review C 63 (5), 054306, 2001
105 2001 Study of 110Cd by the 108Pd (α, 2nγ) reaction J Kern, A Bruder, S Drissi, VA Ionescu, D Kusnezov
Nuclear Physics A 512 (1), 1-45, 1990
89 1990 A study of collective octupole states in barium in the interacting boson model D Kusnezov, F Iachello
Physics Letters B 209 (4), 420-424, 1988
74 1988 Thermal properties of Na 8 microclusters A Bulgac, D Kusnezov
Physical review letters 68 (9), 1335, 1992
67 1992 Octupole correlations in U and Pu nuclei NV Zamfir, D Kusnezov
Physical Review C 67 (1), 014305, 2003
61 2003 Two-body random ensembles: from nuclear spectra to random polynomials D Kusnezov
Physical Review Letters 85 (18), 3773, 2000
60 2000 Random matrix approach to quantum dissipation A Bulgac, G Do Dang, D Kusnezov
Physical Review E 54 (4), 3468, 1996
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Physical Review Letters 85 (7), 1396, 2000
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