Haimin Wang
Haimin Wang
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Structure, stability, and evolution of magnetic flux ropes from the perspective of magnetic twist
R Liu, B Kliem, VS Titov, J Chen, Y Wang, H Wang, C Liu, Y Xu, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 818 (2), 148, 2016
Vector magnetic field changes associated with X-class flares
H Wang, MW Ewell Jr, H Zirin, G Ai
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 424, no. 1, p. 436-443 …, 1994
A statistical study of two classes of coronal mass ejections
YJ Moon, GS Choe, H Wang, YD Park, N Gopalswamy, G Yang, S Yashiro
The Astrophysical Journal 581 (1), 694, 2002
Flare-productive active regions
S Toriumi, H Wang
Living Reviews in Solar Physics 16 (1), 3, 2019
Magnetic reconnection and mass acceleration in flare-coronal mass ejection events
J Qiu, H Wang, CZ Cheng, DE Gary
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (2), 900, 2004
Active-region monitoring and flare forecasting–i. data processing and first results
PT Gallagher, YJ Moon, H Wang
Solar Physics 209, 171-183, 2002
The formation of a prominence in active region NOAA 8668. I. SOHO/MDI observations of magnetic field evolution
J Chae, H Wang, J Qiu, PR Goode, L Strous, HS Yun
The Astrophysical Journal 560 (1), 476, 2001
Motion of flare footpoint emission and inferred electric field in reconnecting current sheets
J Qiu, J Lee, DE Gary, H Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 565 (2), 1335, 2002
Observations of the failed eruption of a filament
H Ji, H Wang, EJ Schmahl, YJ Moon, Y Jiang
The Astrophysical Journal 595 (2), L135, 2003
Extreme-ultraviolet jets and Hα surges in solar microflares
J Chae, J Qiu, H Wang, PR Goode
The Astrophysical Journal 513 (1), L75, 1999
Orientation of the magnetic fields in interplanetary flux ropes and solar filaments
VB Yurchyshyn, H Wang, PR Goode, Y Deng
The Astrophysical Journal 563 (1), 381, 2001
Circular ribbon flares and homologous jets
H Wang, C Liu
The Astrophysical Journal 760 (2), 101, 2012
Rapid change of δ spot structure associated with seven major flares
C Liu, N Deng, Y Liu, D Falconer, PR Goode, C Denker, H Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 622 (1), 722, 2005
On the relation between filament eruptions, flares, and coronal mass ejections
J Jing, VB Yurchyshyn, G Yang, Y Xu, H Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 614 (2), 1054, 2004
Rapid changes of magnetic fields associated with six X-class flares
H Wang, TJ Spirock, J Qiu, H Ji, V Yurchyshyn, YJ Moon, C Denker, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 576 (1), 497, 2002
Flux distribution of solar intranetwork magnetic fields
J Wang, H Wang, F Tang, JW Lee, H Zirin
Solar Physics 160, 277-288, 1995
Synoptic hα full-disk observations of the sun from big bear solar observatory–i. instrumentation, image processing, data products, and first results
C Denker, A Johannesson, W Marquette, PR Goode, H Wang, H Zirin
Solar Physics 184, 87-102, 1999
Study of ribbon separation of a flare associated with a quiescent filament eruption
H Wang, J Qiu, J Jing, H Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal 593 (1), 564, 2003
High-resolution observation of disk spicules. I. Evolution and kinematics of spicules in the enhanced network
Y Suematsu, H Wang, H Zirin
Astrophysical Journal v. 450, p. 411 450, 411, 1995
Statistical assessment of photospheric magnetic features in imminent solar flare predictions
H Song, C Tan, J Jing, H Wang, V Yurchyshyn, V Abramenko
Solar Physics 254, 101-125, 2009
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