G Marmo
G Marmo
Professore di fisica teorica , Naples University Federico II
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f-Oscillators and nonlinear coherent states
VI Man'ko, G Marmo, ECG Sudarshan, F Zaccaria
Physica Scripta 55 (5), 528, 1997
Classical topology and quantum states
AP Balachandran
World Scientific, 1991
The inverse problem in the calculus of variations and the geometry of the tangent bundle
G Morandi, C Ferrario, GL Vecchio, G Marmo, C Rubano
Physics Reports 188 (3-4), 147-284, 1990
An introduction to the tomographic picture of quantum mechanics
A Ibort, VI Man'Ko, G Marmo, A Simoni, F Ventriglia
Physica Scripta 79 (6), 065013, 2009
Dynamical systems. A differential geometric approach to symmetry and reduction.
G Marmo, EJ Saletan, A Simoni, B Vitale
A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, 1985
Gauge theories and fibre bundles-applications to particle dynamics
AP Balachandran, G Marmo, BS Skagerstam, A Stern
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.08910, 2017
Alternative commutation relations, star products and tomography
OV Man'ko, VI Man'Ko, G Marmo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (3), 699, 2002
New approach to find exact solutions for cosmological models with a scalar field
R de Ritis, G Marmo, G Platania, C Rubano, P Scudellaro, C Stornaiolo
Physical Review D 42 (4), 1091, 1990
Quantum zeno dynamics
P Facchi, V Gorini, G Marmo, S Pascazio, ECG Sudarshan
Physics Letters A 275 (1-2), 12-19, 2000
Nonperturbative proof of the non-Abelian anomalies
AP Balachandran, G Marmo, VP Nair, CG Trahern
Physical Review D 25 (10), 2713, 1982
Physical nonlinear aspects of classical and quantum q-oscillators
VI Man'ko, G Marmo, S Solimeno, F Zaccaria
International Journal of Modern Physics A 8 (20), 3577-3597, 1993
From classical to quantum mechanics: an introduction to the formalism, foundations and applications
G Esposito, G Marmo, G Sudarshan
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Monopole topology and the problem of color
AP Balachandran, G Marmo, N Mukunda, JS Nilsson, ECG Sudarshan, ...
Physical Review Letters 50 (20), 1553, 1983
Infinitely many star products to play with
JM Gracia-Bondia, F Lizzi, G Marmo, P Vitale
Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (04), 026, 2002
Geometry of quantum systems: density states and entanglement
J Grabowski, M Kuś, G Marmo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (47), 10217, 2005
Global theory of quantum boundary conditions and topology change
M Asorey, A Ibort, G Marmo
International Journal of Modern Physics A 20 (05), 1001-1025, 2005
Bihamiltonian structures and Stäckel separability
A Ibort, F Magri, G Marmo
Journal of Geometry and Physics 33 (3-4), 210-228, 2000
Lie-Scheffers systems: a geometric approach. Napoli Series on Physics and Astrophysics
J Carinena, J Grabowski, G Marmo
Bibliopolis, 2000
Geometry from dynamics, classical and quantum
JF Cariñena, A Ibort, G Marmo, G Morandi
Springer Netherlands, 2015
Quantum bi-Hamiltonian systems
JF Carinena, J Grabowski, G Marmo
International Journal of Modern Physics A 15 (30), 4797-4810, 2000
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