Antonio Loria
Antonio Loria
CNRS, France
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Passivity-based control of Euler-Lagrange systems: mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical applications
R Ortega, A Loria, PJ Nicklasson, H Sira-Ramirez
Springer Verlag, 1998
Control of robot manipulators in joint space
R Kelly, V Santibáñez-Dávila, A Loria
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
On global uniform asymptotic stability of nonlinear time-varying systems in cascade
E Panteley, A Loria
Systems & Control Letters 33 (2), 131-138, 1998
A separation principle for dynamic positioning of ships: Theoretical and experimental results
A Loria, TI Fossen, E Panteley
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 8 (2), 332-343, 2000
Leader–follower formation and tracking control of mobile robots along straight paths
A Loria, J Dasdemir, NA Jarquin
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 24 (2), 727-732, 2015
On passivity-based output feedback global stabilization of Euler-Lagrange systems
R Ortega, A Loria, R Kelly, L Praly
Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1, 381-386, 1994
Relaxed persistency of excitation for uniform asymptotic stability
E Panteley, A Loria, A Teel
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (12), 1874-1886, 2001
Uniform exponential stability of linear time-varying systems: revisited
A Lorıa, E Panteley
Systems & Control Letters 47 (1), 13-24, 2002
A semiglobally stable output feedback PI/sup 2/D regulator for robot manipulators
R Ortega, A Loria, R Kelly
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 40 (8), 1432-1436, 1995
Exponential tracking control of a mobile car using a cascaded approach
E Panteley, E Lefeber, A Loria, H Nijmeijer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (27), 201-206, 1998
Growth rate conditions for uniform asymptotic stability of cascaded time-varying systems
E Panteley, A Lorı́a
Automatica 37 (3), 453-460, 2001
A nested Matrosov theorem and persistency of excitation for uniform convergence in stable nonautonomous systems
A Loría, E Panteley, D Popovic, AR Teel
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (2), 183-198, 2005
Cascaded nonlinear time-varying systems: Analysis and design
A Loría, E Panteley
Advanced topics in control systems theory, 23-64, 2005
Synchronization and dynamic consensus of heterogeneous networked systems
E Panteley, A Loría
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 3758-3773, 2017
Global regulation of flexible joint robots using approximate differentiation
R Kelly, R Ortega, A Ailon, A Loría
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 39 (6), 1222-1224, 1994
Bounded output feedback tracking control of fully actuated Euler–Lagrange systems
A Loria, H Nijmeijer
Systems & Control Letters 33 (3), 151-161, 1998
On global output feedback regulation of Euler-Lagrange systems with bounded inputs
A Loria, R Kelly, R Ortega, V Santibáñez
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 42 (8), 1138-1143, 1997
Observers are unnecessary for output-feedback control of Lagrangian systems
A Loria
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (4), 905-920, 2015
Integral characterizations of uniform asymptotic and exponential stability with applications
A Teel, E Panteley, A Loría
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 15, 177-201, 2002
Uniform semiglobal practical asymptotic stability for non-autonomous cascaded systems and applications
A Chaillet, A Loría
Automatica 44 (2), 337-347, 2008
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