Bruno Schuermans
Bruno Schuermans
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Large-eddy simulation and experimental study of heat transfer, nitric oxide emissions and combustion instability in a swirled turbulent high-pressure burner
P Schmitt, T Poinsot, B Schuermans, KP Geigle
Journal of fluid mechanics 570, 17-46, 2007
Measurement of transfer matrices and source terms of premixed flames
CO Paschereit, B Schuermans, W Polifke, O Mattson
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 124 (2), 239-247, 2002
Investigation of azimuthal staging concepts in annular gas turbines
N Noiray, M Bothien, B Schuermans
Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (5), 585-606, 2011
A detailed analysis of thermoacoustic interaction mechanisms in a turbulent premixed flame
B Schuermans, V Bellucci, F Guethe, F Meili, P Flohr, CO Paschereit
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 41669, 539-551, 2004
Thermoacoustic modeling and control of multi burner combustion systems
B Schuermans, V Bellucci, CO Paschereit
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 36851, 509-519, 2003
Modeling and control of thermoacoustic instabilities
B Schuermans
EPFL, 2003
Deterministic quantities characterizing noise driven Hopf bifurcations in gas turbine combustors
N Noiray, B Schuermans
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 50, 152-163, 2013
On the dynamic nature of azimuthal thermoacoustic modes in annular gas turbine combustion chambers
N Noiray, B Schuermans
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2013
Thermoacoustic modeling of a gas turbine combustor equipped with acoustic dampers
V Bellucci, B Schuermans, D Nowak, P Flohr, CO Paschereit
J. Turbomach. 127 (2), 372-379, 2005
Thermoacoustic modeling of a gas turbine using transfer functions measured under full engine pressure
B Schuermans, F Guethe, D Pennell, D Guyot, CO Paschereit
Reheat combustion system for a gas turbine
V Bellucci, P Flohr, CO Paschereit, B Schuermans, D Tabacco
US Patent 6,981,358, 2006
Modeling transfer matrices of premixed flames and comparison with experimental results
B Schuermans, W Polifke, CO Paschereit
ASME paper, 132, 1999
Non-linear combustion instabilities in annular gas-turbine combustors
C Paschereit, B Schuermans, P Monkewitz
44th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 549, 2006
Analysis of azimuthal thermo-acoustic modes in annular gas turbine combustion chambers
MR Bothien, N Noiray, B Schuermans
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 137 (6), 061505, 2015
CH*/OH* chemiluminescence response of an atmospheric premixed flame under varying operating conditions
D Guyot, F Guethe, B Schuermans, A Lacarelle, CO Paschereit
Turbo expo: Power for land, sea, and air 43970, 933-944, 2010
Theoretical and experimental investigations on damper performance for suppression of thermoacoustic oscillations
N Noiray, B Schuermans
Journal of sound and vibration 331 (12), 2753-2763, 2012
Chemiluminescence as diagnostic tool in the development of gas turbines
F Guethe, D Guyot, G Singla, N Noiray, B Schuermans
Applied Physics B 107, 619-636, 2012
Combustion dynamics linked to flame behaviour in a partially premixed swirled industrial burner
F Biagioli, F Güthe, B Schuermans
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (7), 1344-1353, 2008
A novel damping device for broadband attenuation of low-frequency combustion pulsations in gas turbines
MR Bothien, N Noiray, B Schuermans
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 136 (4), 041504, 2014
CO Paschereit, B Schuermans
US Patent 8,029,273, 2011
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Articles 1–20