Jérôme Carette
Jérôme Carette
Post Doctorant, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
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Monitoring of the ultrasonic P-wave velocity in early-age concrete with embedded piezoelectric transducers
C Dumoulin, G Karaiskos, J Carette, S Staquet, A Deraemaeker
Smart materials and structures 21 (4), 047001, 2012
Monitoring the setting process of mortars by ultrasonic P and S-wave transmission velocity measurement
J Carette, S Staquet
Construction and Building Materials 94, 196-208, 2015
Monitoring and modelling the early age and hardening behaviour of eco-concrete through continuous non-destructive measurements: Part I. Hydration and apparent activation energy
J Carette, S Staquet
Cement and Concrete Composites 73, 10-18, 2016
Testing concrete E‐modulus at very early ages through several techniques: an inter‐laboratory comparison
B Delsaute, C Boulay, J Granja, J Carette, M Azenha, C Dumoulin, ...
Strain 52 (2), 91-109, 2016
Monitoring the setting process of eco-binders by ultrasonic P-wave and S-wave transmission velocity measurement: Mortar vs concrete
J Carette, S Staquet
Construction and Building Materials 110, 32-41, 2016
How to monitor the modulus of elasticity of concrete, automatically since the earliest age?
C Boulay, S Staquet, B Delsaute, J Carette, M Crespini, ...
Materials and structures 47, 141-155, 2014
Decoupling the autogenous swelling from the self-desiccation deformation in early age concrete with mineral additions: Micro-macro observations and unified modelling
J Carette, S Joseph, Ö Cizer, S Staquet
Cement and Concrete Composites 85, 122-132, 2018
Validated hydration model for slag-blended cement based on calorimetry measurements
M Königsberger, J Carette
Cement and Concrete Research 128, 105950, 2020
Monitoring elastic properties of concrete since very early age by means of cyclic loadings, ultrasonic measurements, natural resonant frequency of componant frequency of …
C Boulay, S Staquet, M Azenha, A Deraemaeker, M Crespini, J Carette, ...
VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete …, 2013
Identifying the mechanisms of concrete drying: An experimental-numerical approach
J Carette, F Soleilhet, F Benboudjema, X Ma, G Nahas, K Abahri, ...
Construction and Building Materials 230, 117001, 2020
Towards early age characterisation of eco-concrete containing blast-furnace slag and limestone filler
J Carette
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), 2015
Mechanical properties
F Benboudjema, J Carette, B Delsaute, T Honorio de Faria, A Knoppik, ...
Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures: State of the Art Report of …, 2019
Monitoring of the E-modulus in early age concrete since setting time with embedded piezoelectric transducers
J Carette, C Dumoulin, G Karaiskos, S Staquet, A Deraemaeker
Proceedings of Structural Faults+ Repair, 14th International Conference and …, 2012
Advanced characterisation of the early age behaviour of bulk hydrophobic mortars
J Carette, B Delsaute, N Milenković, JP Lecomte, MP Delplancke, ...
Construction and Building Materials 267, 120904, 2021
Ultrasonic techniques for determination and monitoring various properties of cementitious materials at early ages
I Gabrijel, S Staquet, M Krüger, J Carette, CU Grosse, G Trtnik
Advanced Techniques for Testing of Cement-Based Materials, 23-68, 2020
Unified modelling of the temperature effect on the autogenous deformations of cement-based materials
J Carette, S Staquet
Cement and Concrete Composites 94, 62-71, 2018
Applicability of ultrasonic measurement on the monitoring of the setting of cement pastes: effect of water content and mineral additions
MS Mohamed, J Carette, B Delsaute, S Staquet
Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 6 (2), 84-99, 2017
Optimization of experiment methodology based on identification of parameters in concrete drying
X Ma, J Carette, F Benboudjema, R Bennacer
Construction and Building Materials 256, 119421, 2020
Elastic properties of concrete at early age: monitoring of the e-modulus and the poisson's ratio with cyclic loadings and ultrasonic measurements
C Boulay, M Crespini, J Carette, S Staquet
Structural Faults and Repair-2012, 11p., 2012
Concrete drying : effects of boundary conditions and specimen shape
J Carette, F Benboudjema, G Nahas, K Abahri, A Darquennes, ...
Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures, 385, 2016
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Articles 1–20