Planck 2018 results-X. Constraints on inflation Y Akrami, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A10, 2020
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2612 2016 Planck 2018 results-I. Overview and the cosmological legacy of Planck N Aghanim, Y Akrami, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A1, 2020
2123 2020 Planck 2015 results-XX. Constraints on inflation PAR Ade, N Aghanim, M Arnaud, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 594, A20, 2016
1910 2016 Planck 2015 results-XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity PAR Ade, N Aghanim, M Arnaud, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, ...
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1484 * 2016 Planck 2015 results-XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields PAR Ade, N Aghanim, M Arnaud, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 594, A19, 2016
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Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A9, 2020
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211 2020 Scale-dependent gravitational waves from a rolling axion R Namba, M Peloso, M Shiraishi, L Sorbo, C Unal
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115 2020 Parity violation in the CMB bispectrum by a rolling pseudoscalar M Shiraishi, A Ricciardone, S Saga
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