Luis Ibanez
Luis Ibanez
Profesor de Fisica
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Low-energy predictions in supersymmetric grand unified theories
LE Ibanez, GG Ross
Physics Letters B 105 (6), 439-442, 1981
SU (2) L× U (1) symmetry breaking as a radiative effect of supersymmetry breaking in GUTs
L Ibanez, GG Ross
Physics Letters B 110 (3-4), 215-220, 1982
Locally supersymmetric SU (5) grand unification
L Ibáñez
Physics Letters B 118 (1-3), 73-78, 1982
Towards a theory of soft terms for the supersymmetric Standard Model
A Brignole, LE Ibanez, C Munoz
Nuclear Physics B 422 (1-2), 125-171, 1994
Discrete gauge symmetries and the origin of baryon and lepton number conservation in supersymmetric versions of the standard model
LE Ibanez, GG Ross
Nuclear Physics B 368 (1), 3-37, 1992
On the low energy d= 4, N= 1 supergravity theory extracted from the d= 10, N= 1 superstring
JP Derendinger, LE Ibanez, HP Nilles
Physics Letters B 155 (1-2), 65-70, 1985
Duality-anomaly cancellation, minimal string unification and the effective low-energy Lagrangian of 4D strings
LE Ibanez, D Lüst
Nuclear Physics B 382 (2), 305-361, 1992
Fermion masses and mixing angles from gauge symmetries
L Ibanez, GG Ross
Physics Letters B 332 (1-2), 100-110, 1994
N= 1 supergravity, the weak scale and the low-energy particle spectrum
LE Ibanez, C Lopez
Nuclear Physics B 233 (3), 511-544, 1984
String theory and particle physics: An introduction to string phenomenology
LE Ibanez, AM Uranga
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Getting just the standard model at intersecting branes
LE Ibanez, F Marchesano, R Rabadán
Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (11), 002, 2001
Orbifolds and Wilson lines
LE Ibanez, HP Nilles, F Quevedo
Physics Letters B 187 (1-2), 25-32, 1987
D-branes at singularities: A bottom-up approach to the string embedding of the standard model
G Aldazabal, LE Ibanez, F Quevedo, AM Uranga
Journal of High Energy Physics 2000 (08), 002, 2000
Strong-weak coupling duality and non-perturbative effects in string theory
A Font, LE Ibanez, D Lüst, F Quevedo
Physics Letters B 249 (1), 35-43, 1990
Discrete gauge symmetry anomalies
LE Ibáñez, GG Ross
Physics Letters B 260 (3-4), 291-295, 1991
D= 4 chiral string compactifications from intersecting branes
G Aldazabal, S Franco, LE Ibanez, R Rabadan, AM Uranga
Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 (7), 3103-3126, 2001
The low-energy supersymmetric spectrum according to N= 1 supergravity guts
LE Ibanez, C Lopez, C Munoz
Nuclear Physics B 256, 218-252, 1985
Intersecting brane worlds
G Aldazabal, S Franco, LE Ibanez, R Rabadán, AM Uranga
Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (02), 047, 2001
Orbifold compactifications with three families of SU (3)× SU (2)× U (1) n
LE Ibanez, JE Kim, HP Nilles, F Quevedo
Physics Letters B 191 (3), 282-286, 1987
Heterotic strings in symmetric and asymmetric orbifold backgrounds
LE Ibanez, J Mas, HP Nilles, F Quevedo
Nuclear Physics B 301 (1), 157-196, 1988
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