Kusdiantoro Mohamad
Kusdiantoro Mohamad
IPB University
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On the origin of Indonesian cattle
K Mohamad, M Olsson, HTA van Tol, S Mikko, BH Vlamings, G Andersson, ...
Plos one 4, 1-6, 2009
Korelasi antara lama kebuntingan, bobot lahir dan jenis kelamin pedet hasil inseminasi buatan pada sapi bali
G Prasojo, I Arifiantini, K Mohamad
Jurnal Veteriner 11 (1), 41-45, 2010
The origin of Indonesian cattle and conservation genetics of the Bali cattle breed
K Mohamad, M Olsson, G Andersson, B Purwantara, HTA Van Tol, ...
Reproduction in domestic animals 47, 18-20, 2012
Leydig cells encapsulation with alginate-chitosan: optimization of microcapsule formation
B Irmanida, R Devi, M Kusdiantoro, P Wahono Esthi
Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences 2012, 2012
Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi's iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events
LAF Frantz, A Rudzinski, AMS Nugraha, A Evin, J Burton, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1876), 20172566, 2018
Perkembangan oosit kambing setelah maturasi fertilisasi dan kultur in vitro
A Boediono, Y Rusiyantono, K Mohamad, I Djuwita
Bogor Agriculture University, 2000
Pertumbuhan dan Sekresi Protein Hasil Kultur Primer Sel-Sel Serebrum Anak Tikus
I Djuwita, V Riyacumala, K Mohamad
Jurnal Veteriner 13 (2), 125-135, 2012
Curcuminoid and toxicity levels of ethanol extract of javanese ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) on brine shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae and zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (4), 169-173, 2017
Vitrifikasi ovarium mencit menggunakan etilen glikol dan DMSO sebagai krioprotektan dan viabilitasnya pasca autotransplantasi di subkapsula ginjal
K Mohamad, I Djuwita, A Boediono, I Supriatna
Media Kedokteran Hewan 21 (1), 2005
Produksi embrio kambing dengan teknologi maturasi, fertilisasi dan kultur in vitro
A Boediono, Y Rusiyantono, K Mohamad, I Djuwita, Y Sukra
Morfologi dan kandungan karbohidrat kelenjar aksesoris organ reproduksi tikus jantan pada umur sebelum dan setelah pubertas
K Mohamad, S Novelina, IKM Adnyane, S Agungpriyono
Hayati 4 (1), 91-97, 2001
Studi morfologi kelenjar asesoris kelamin jantan tupai (Tupaia glis) dengan tinjauan khusus pada sebaran karbohidrat
H Desiani, K Mohamad, IKM Adnyane, S Agungpriyono
Media veteriner 7 (4), 6-10, 2000
Bahan Kuliah Embriologi
I Djuwita, A Boediono, K Mohamad
Bogor(Indones): Laboratorium Embriologi Bagian Anatomi FKH IPB, 2000
mtDNA variation and human-mediated introgression of indigenous Sus populations on several Indonesian islands
N Ishiguro, Y Inoshima, M Sasaki, A Matsui, H Hongo, R Takahashi, ...
Mammal Study 37 (1), 1-10, 2012
Correction: On the Origin of Indonesian Cattle
K Mohamad, M Olsson, HTA van Tol, S Mikko, BH Vlamings, G Andersson, ...
PLoS One 4 (5), 10.1371/annotation/e674f274-4378-47f1-97e1-f95a2d3bb59b, 2009
Acute Toxicity of Ethanol Extract of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc (Zingiberaceae) Rhizomes on Brine Shrimp Larvae and Zebrafish Embryos.
G Syahbirin, KA Aditianingrum, K Mohamad
Jurnal Medik Veterinar 7 (1), 2024
Ichthyotoxic principles against zebrafish embryos from the Indonesian marine sponge Neopetrosia chaliniformis
N Hanif, R Ardianti, P Ahmadi, A Setiawan, K Mohamad, NJ de Voogd, ...
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (8), 044-048, 2018
Perkembangan in vitro dan in vivo embrio mencit tanpa zona pelusida
K Mohamad, K Eriani, I Djuwita, A Boediono
Bogor Agriculture University, 2012
Genetic diversity and conservation of South-East Asian cattle: from Indian Zebu to Indonesian banteng, and then to the Cambodian Kouprey
K Mohamad, M Olsson, G Anderson, B Purwantara, HTA van Tol, S Mikko, ...
Managing the Health and Reproduction of Elephant Populations in Asia. EU …, 2007
Allotransplantasi ovarium mencit baru Lahir ke mencit dewasa: Pengaruhnya terhadap siklus estrus resipien dan morfologi ovarium donor
M Kusdiantoro, H Hernadi, I Djuwita
Veteriner 6 (4), 20-25, 2005
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Articles 1–20