Franck K. Monthe
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Extensive seed and pollen dispersal and assortative mating in the rain forest tree Entandrophragma cylindricum (Meliaceae) inferred from indirect and direct analyses
FK Monthe, OJ Hardy, JL Doucet, J Loo, J Duminil
Molecular Ecology 26 (19), 5279-5291, 2017
Combining morphology and population genetic analysis uncover species delimitation in the widespread African tree genus Santiria (Burseraceae)
DU Ikabanga, T Stevart, KG Koffi, FK Monthe, ECN Doubindou, G Dauby, ...
Phytotaxa 321 (2), 166–180-166–180, 2017
Species delimitation in the genus Greenwayodendron based on morphological and genetic markers reveals new species
BJ Lissambou, TLP Couvreur, C Atteke, T Stévart, R Piñeiro, G Dauby, ...
Taxon 68 (3), 442-454, 2019
Phylogenetic relationships in two African Cedreloideae tree genera (Meliaceae) reveal multiple rain/dry forest transitions
FK Monthe, J Migliore, J Duminil, G Bouka, BB Demenou, C Doumenge, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 37, 1-10, 2019
The African timber tree Entandrophragma congoense (Pierre ex De Wild.) A. Chev. is morphologically and genetically distinct from Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C. DC
FK Monthe, J Duminil, E Kasongo Yakusu, H Beeckman, N Bourland, ...
Tree genetics & genomes 14, 1-13, 2018
Seed and pollen dispersal and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of a threatened tree species: Pericopsis elata (HARMS) Meeuwen (Fabaceae)
DMA Angbonda, FK Monthe, N Bourland, F Boyemba, OJ Hardy
Tree Genetics & Genomes 17 (3), 27, 2021
Plastome phylogeography in two African rain forest legume trees reveals that Dahomey Gap populations originate from the Cameroon volcanic line
BB Demenou, J Migliore, M Heuertz, FK Monthe, DI Ojeda, JJ Wieringa, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 150, 106854, 2020
Characterization of microsatellite markers in two exploited African trees, Entandrophragma candollei and E. utile (Meliaceae)
FS Monthe, J Duminil, F Tosso, J Migliore, OJ Hardy
Applications in Plant Sciences 5 (2), 1600130, 2017
Le genre Entandrophragma (Meliaceae): taxonomie et écologie d’arbres africains d’intérêt économique (synthèse bibliographique)
E Kasongo Yakusu, FS Monthe, N Bourland, OJ Hardy, D Louppe, ...
Trees for Food and Timber: are community interests in conflict with those of timber concessions in the Congo Basin?
LK Snook, P Donn, J Duminil, R Fungo, JM Kahindo, J Loo, P Maukonen, ...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2015
Origin, Persistence, and Vulnerability to Climate Changes of Podocarpus Populations in Central African Mountains
J Migliore, AM Lézine, M Veuille, G Achoundong, B Tchiengué, AF Boom, ...
Forests 13 (2), 208, 2022
Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables
E Kasongo Yakusu, D Louppe, FS Monthe, OJ Hardy, FBM Lokanda, ...
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 339, 74-94, 2019
Characterization of microsatellite markers in the African tropical tree species Guibourtia ehie (Fabaceae, Detarioideae)
F Tosso, JL Doucet, J Migliore, K Daïnou, E Kaymak, FSM Kameni, ...
Applications in plant sciences 5 (7), 1700023, 2017
Genetic diversity and structure in wild and cultivated populations of an emblematic African tree species, Garcinia kola (Clusiaceae)
BT Yogom, ML Avana-Tientcheu, FK Monthé, P Bissiengou, JJ Loumeto, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 19 (5), 39, 2023
Improved management of species of the African Entandrophragma genus, now listed as vulnerable
E Kasongo Yakusu, D Louppe, FK Monthe, O Hardy, ...
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 349 (3), 65-84, 2021
Origine et dynamique de la diversité génétique des arbres Guinéo-Congolais du genre Entandrophragma et implications pour une gestion durable
FS Monthe Kameni
Université libre de Bruxelles, 2019
Genetic breaks caused by ancient forest fragmentation: phylogeography of Staudtia kamerunensis (Myristicaceae) reveals distinct clusters in the Congo Basin
S Vanden Abeele, K Matvijev, OJ Hardy, DM Assumani, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 19 (3), 27, 2023
Origin, Persistence, and Vulnerability to Climate Changes of Podocarpus Populations in Central African Mountains. Forests 2022, 13, 208
J Migliore, AM Lézine, M Veuille, G Achoundong, B Tchiengué, AF Boom, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Improved management of species of the African Entandrophragma genus, now listed as vulnerable
E Kasongo Yakusu, D Louppe, F Monthe, OJ Hardy, FB Mbele Lokanda, ...
Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, 75-94, 2019
Retos y mejoras para la gestión de las especies del género entandrophragma, árboles Africanos que han pasado a ser vulnerables
EK Yakusu, D Louppe, FS Monthe Kameni, OJ Hardy, FBM Lokanda, ...
Bois et forêts des tropiques, 75-94, 2019
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