Yamille del Valle
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Particle swarm optimization: basic concepts, variants and applications in power systems
Y Del Valle, GK Venayagamoorthy, S Mohagheghi, JC Hernandez, ...
IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation 12 (2), 171-195, 2008
A proportional-integrator type adaptive critic design-based neurocontroller for a static compensator in a multimachine power system
S Mohagheghi, Y del Valle, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (1), 86-96, 2007
A full compensating system for general loads, based on a combination of thyristor binary compensator, and a PWM-IGBT active power filter
J Dixon, Y del Valle, M Orchard, M Ortúzar, L Morán, C Maffrand
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 50 (5), 982-989, 2003
A comparison of PSO and backpropagation for training RBF neural networks for identification of a power system with STATCOM
S Mohaghegi, Y del Valle, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley
Proceedings 2005 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005. SIS 2005., 381-384, 2005
Interpretation of dielectric loss data on service aged polyethylene based power cable systems using VLF test methods
J Perkel, Y Del Valle, RN Hampton, JC Hernandez-Mejia, J Densley
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 20 (5), 1699-1711, 2013
Optimal STATCOM sizing and placement using particle swarn optimization
Y Del Valle, JC Hernandez, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley
2006 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin …, 2006
Multiple STATCOM allocation and sizing using particle swarm optimization
Y Del Valle, JC Hernandez, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley
2006 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1884-1891, 2006
The effect of the volt/var control of photovoltaic systems on the time-series steady-state analysis of a distribution network
I Kim, RG Harley, R Regassa, Y Del Valle
2015 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 1-6, 2015
Comparison of enhanced-PSO and classical optimization methods: a case study for STATCOM placement
Y del Valle, RG Harley, GK Venayagamoorthy
2009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to …, 2009
Effects of a STATCOM, a SCRC and a UPFC on the Dynamic Behavior of a 45 Bus Section of the Brazilian Power System
GK Venayagamoorthy, Y Del Valle, S Mohagheghi, W Qiao, S Ray, ...
2005 IEEE Power Engineering Society Inaugural Conference and Exposition in …, 2005
Enhanced particle swarm optimizer for power system applications
Y del Valle, M Digman, A Gray, J Perkel, GK Venayagamoorthy, ...
2008 IEEE swarm intelligence symposium, 1-7, 2008
Optimal allocation of a STATCOM in a 45 bus section of the Brazilian power system using particle swarm optimization
JC Hernandez, GK Venayagamoorthy, Y del Valle, RG Harley
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2006
Optimization of power system performance using facts devices
YE Del Valle
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Diagnostic testing of underground cable systems (Cable Diagnostic Focused Initiative)
R Hartlein, N Hampton, N Contributors, J Altamirano, T Andrews, ...
Challenges associated with the interpretation of dielectric loss data from power cable system measurements
J Perkel, JC Hernandez, RN Hampton, JF Drapeau, J Densley, ...
JICABLE11, 2011
The analysis of voltage increase phenomena in a distribution network with high penetration of distributed generation
I Kim, RG Harley, R Regassa, Y Del Valle
2015 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 1-6, 2015
Applying diagnostics to enhance cable system reliability (cable diagnostic focused initiative, phase ii)
R Hartlein, N Hampton, J Perkel, JC Hernandez, S Elledge, Y del Valle, ...
Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC), Atlanta, GA (United States …, 2016
Optimal Allocation of Facts Devices: Classical Versus Metaheuristc Approaches
Y Del Valle, J Perkel, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley
SAIEE Africa Research Journal 100 (1), 12-23, 2009
Steady state and transient behaviour of a fuzzy-based controlled STATCOM optimally placed in a 45 bus Brazilian power system
S Mohagheghi, Y del Valle, W Qiao, GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley, ...
Proc. SEPOPE, 2006
Underground Cable Systems
Y Del Valle, N Hampton, J Perkel, C Riley
Electrical Transmission Systems and Smart Grids: Selected Entries from the …, 2012
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