Université Clermont Auvergne
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The effect of aluminum, pH, and chemical affinity on the rates of aluminosilicate dissolution reactions
EH Oelkers, J Schott, JL Devidal
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (9), 2011-2024, 1994
An experimental study of kaolinite dissolution and precipitation kinetics as a function of chemical affinity and solution composition at 150 C, 40 bars, and pH 2, 6.8, and 7.8
JL Devidal, J Schott, JL Dandurand
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (24), 5165-5186, 1997
Solid–liquid iron partitioning in Earth’s deep mantle
D Andrault, S Petitgirard, G Lo Nigro, JL Devidal, G Veronesi, G Garbarino, ...
Nature 487 (7407), 354-357, 2012
Metal–silicate partitioning of sulphur, new experimental and thermodynamic constraints on planetary accretion
A Boujibar, D Andrault, MA Bouhifd, N Bolfan-Casanova, JL Devidal, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 42-54, 2014
Experimental melting of phlogopite-peridotite in the garnet stability field
P Condamine, E Médard, JL Devidal
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 171 (11), 95, 2016
A new experimental technique for extracting liquids from peridotite at very low degrees of melting: application to partial melting of depleted peridotite
D Laporte, MJ Toplis, M Seyler, JL Devidal
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 146, 463-484, 2004
Experimental determination of F and Cl partitioning between lherzolite and basaltic melt
C Dalou, KT Koga, N Shimizu, J Boulon, JL Devidal
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163, 591-609, 2012
X-ray diffraction study of brabantite–monazite solid solutions
JM Montel, JL Devidal, D Avignant
Chemical Geology 191 (1-3), 89-104, 2002
Fluid-induced disturbance of the monazite Th–Pb chronometer: in situ dating and element mapping in pegmatites from the Rhodope (Greece, Bulgaria)
V Bosse, P Boulvais, P Gautier, M Tiepolo, G Ruffet, JL Devidal, ...
Chemical geology 261 (3-4), 286-302, 2009
Provenance of basaltic tephra from Vatnajökull subglacial volcanoes, Iceland, as determined by major-and trace-element analyses
BA Óladóttir, O Sigmarsson, G Larsen, JL Devidal
The Holocene 21 (7), 1037-1048, 2011
Apatite solubility in carbonatitic liquids and trace element partitioning between apatite and carbonatite at high pressure
T Hammouda, J Chantel, JL Devidal
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (24), 7220-7235, 2010
Remobilization of silicic intrusion by mafic magmas during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption
O Sigmarsson, I Vlastélic, R Andreasen, I Bindeman, JL Devidal, S Moune, ...
Solid Earth 2 (2), 271-281, 2011
Disturbance versus preservation of U–Th–Pb ages in monazite during fluid–rock interaction: textural, chemical and isotopic in situ study in microgranites (Velay Dome, France)
A Didier, V Bosse, P Boulvais, J Bouloton, JL Paquette, JM Montel, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 1051-1072, 2013
Sensitivity enhancement in LA-ICP-MS by N2 addition to carrier gas: application to radiometric dating of U-Th-bearing minerals
JL Paquette, JL Piro, JL Devidal, V Bosse, A Didier, S Sannac, ...
Agilent ICP-MS Journal 58, 4-5, 2014
SIMS analyses of oxygen isotopes: matrix effects in Fe–Mg–Ca garnets
D Vielzeuf, M Champenois, JW Valley, F Brunet, JL Devidal
Chemical Geology 223 (4), 208-226, 2005
The effect of different functional groups on the ligand-promoted dissolution of NiO and other oxide minerals
C Ludwig, JL Devidal, WH Casey
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 60 (2), 213-224, 1996
The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: Magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring
C Berthod, E Médard, P Bachèlery, L Gurioli, A Di Muro, A Peltier, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 571, 117085, 2021
Fast ascent rate during the 2017–2018 Plinian eruption of Ambae (Aoba) volcano: a petrological investigation
Y Moussallam, EF Rose-Koga, KT Koga, E Médard, P Bani, JL Devidal, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174, 1-24, 2019
Distribution of sulphur and magnesium in the red coral
D Vielzeuf, J Garrabou, A Gagnon, A Ricolleau, J Adkins, D Günther, ...
Chemical Geology 355, 13-27, 2013
New experimental determination of Li and B partition coefficients during upper mantle partial melting
L Ottolini, D Laporte, N Raffone, JL Devidal, B Le Fèvre
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 157, 313-325, 2009
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