Christopher A. DiCesare
Christopher A. DiCesare
Lead Data Scientist at Biocore, LLC
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Augmented feedback supports skill transfer and reduces high-risk injury landing mechanics: a double-blind, randomized controlled laboratory study
GD Myer, BW Stroube, CA DiCesare, JL Brent, KR Ford, RS Heidt Jr, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 41 (3), 669-677, 2013
Concurrent validity and reliability of 2d kinematic analysis of frontal plane motion during running
JN Maykut, JA Taylor‐Haas, MV Paterno, CA DiCesare, KR Ford
International journal of sports physical therapy 10 (2), 136, 2015
Sport specialization and coordination differences in multisport adolescent female basketball, soccer, and volleyball athletes
CA DiCesare, A Montalvo, KDB Foss, SM Thomas, TE Hewett, ...
Journal of athletic training 54 (10), 1105-1114, 2019
Analysis of head impact exposure and brain microstructure response in a season-long application of a jugular vein compression collar: a prospective, neuroimaging investigation …
GD Myer, W Yuan, KDB Foss, S Thomas, D Smith, J Leach, AW Kiefer, ...
British journal of sports medicine 50 (20), 1276-1285, 2016
The validity of 2‐dimensional measurement of trunk angle during dynamic tasks
CA DiCesare, NA Bates, GD Myer, TE Hewett
International journal of sports physical therapy 9 (4), 420, 2014
The effects of external jugular compression applied during head impact exposure on longitudinal changes in brain neuroanatomical and neurophysiological biomarkers: a …
GD Myer, W Yuan, KD Barber Foss, D Smith, M Altaye, A Reches, J Leach, ...
Frontiers in neurology 7, 74, 2016
Quantification and analysis of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements and fixations to detect oculomotor deficits
CA DiCesare, AW Kiefer, P Nalepka, GD Myer
Behavior research methods 49, 258-266, 2017
Brain-behavior mechanisms for the transfer of neuromuscular training adaptions to simulated sport: Initial findings from the train the brain project
DR Grooms, AW Kiefer, MA Riley, JD Ellis, S Thomas, K Kitchen, ...
Journal of sport rehabilitation 27 (5), 2018
Real-time biofeedback to target risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury: a technical report for injury prevention and rehabilitation
KR Ford, CA DiCesare, GD Myer, TE Hewett
Journal of sport rehabilitation 24 (2), 2015
Altered brain microstructure in association with repetitive subconcussive head impacts and the potential protective effect of jugular vein compression: a longitudinal study of …
GD Myer, KB Foss, S Thomas, R Galloway, CA DiCesare, J Dudley, ...
British journal of sports medicine 53 (24), 1539-1551, 2019
Preliminary evidence of altered biomechanics in adolescents with juvenile fibromyalgia
S Sil, S Thomas, C DiCesare, D Strotman, TV Ting, G Myer, ...
Arthritis care & research 67 (1), 102-111, 2015
Reduced hip strength is associated with increased hip motion during running in young adult and adolescent male long‐distance runners
JA Taylor‐Haas, JA Hugentobler, CA DiCesare, KCH Lucas, NA Bates, ...
International journal of sports physical therapy 9 (4), 456, 2014
Rates of concussion are lower in National Football League games played at higher altitudes
GD Myer, D Smith, KD Barber Foss, CA Dicesare, AW Kiefer, AM Kushner, ...
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 44 (3), 164-172, 2014
Knee abduction moment is predicted by lower gluteus medius force and larger vertical and lateral ground reaction forces during drop vertical jump in female athletes
R Ueno, A Navacchia, CA DiCesare, KR Ford, GD Myer, T Ishida, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 103, 109669, 2020
Real‐time biofeedback integrated into neuromuscular training reduces high‐risk knee biomechanics and increases functional brain connectivity: A preliminary longitudinal …
JA Diekfuss, DR Grooms, S Bonnette, CA DiCesare, S Thomas, ...
Psychophysiology 57 (5), e13545, 2020
White matter alterations over the course of two consecutive high‐school football seasons and the effect of a jugular compression collar: A preliminary longitudinal diffusion …
W Yuan, KD Barber Foss, S Thomas, CA DiCesare, JA Dudley, K Kitchen, ...
Human brain mapping 39 (1), 491-508, 2018
Lower extremity biomechanics are altered across maturation in sport-specialized female adolescent athletes
CA DiCesare, A Montalvo, KD Barber Foss, SM Thomas, KR Ford, ...
Frontiers in pediatrics 7, 268, 2019
Relative head impact exposure and brain white matter alterations after a single season of competitive football: a pilot comparison of youth versus high school football
KDB Foss, W Yuan, JA Diekfuss, J Leach, W Meehan, CA DiCesare, ...
Clinical journal of sport medicine 29 (6), 442-450, 2019
Reliability of 3-dimensional measures of single-leg drop landing across 3 institutions: implications for multicenter research for secondary ACL-injury prevention
GD Myer, NA Bates, CA DiCesare, KDB Foss, SM Thomas, SC Wordeman, ...
Journal of sport rehabilitation 24 (2), 198-209, 2015
A technical report on the development of a real-time visual biofeedback system to optimize motor learning and movement deficit correction
S Bonnette, CA DiCesare, AW Kiefer, MA Riley, KDB Foss, S Thomas, ...
Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 19 (1), 84, 2020
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