Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kilic
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kilic
Adana Science and Technology University Prof. Dr.
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Numerical investigation of combined effect of nanofluids and multiple impinging jets on heat transfer
M Kilic, HM Ali
Thermal Science 23 (5 Part B), 3165-3173, 2019
Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer from a heated flat plate in a rectangular channel with an impinging air jet
M Kilic, T Calisir, S Baskaya
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
A new approach for selecting the most suitable oilseed for biodiesel production; the integrated AHP-TOPSIS method
A Abdulvahitoglu, M Kilic
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (3), 101604, 2022
A numerical analysis of transpiration cooling as an air cooling mechanism
M Kilic
Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (12), 3647-3662, 2018
Numerical investigation of heat transfer at a rectangular channel with combined effect of nanofluids and swirling jets in a vehicle radiator
M Kilic, A Abdulvahitoglu
Thermal Science 23 (6 Part A), 3627-3637, 2019
Improved waste heat recovery through surface of kiln using phase change material
N Akram, UM Moazzam, MH Ali, A Ajaz, A Saleem, M Kilic, A Mobeen
Thermal science 22 (2), 1089-1098, 2018
Experimental and numerical investigation of vortex promoter effects on heat transfer from heated electronic components in a rectangular channel with an impinging jet
M Kilic, T Calisir, S Baskaya
Heat Transfer Research 48 (5), 2017
Effect of turbulence modeling on hydrodynamics of a turbulent contact absorber
A Ullah, A Amanat, M Imran, SSJ Gillani, M Kilic, A Khan
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 156, 108101, 2020
Numerical investigation of flow field on ribbed surfaces using impinging jets
T Çalışır, S Çalışkan, M Kilic, Ş Başkaya
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32, 2017
Improvement of heat transfer from high heat flux surfaces by using vortex promoters with different geometries and impinging jets
M Kilic, Ş Başkaya
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32 (3), 2017
Elektrikli Araç Bataryalarının Bütünleşik Swara-Topsis Metodu ile Değerlendirilmesi
A Abdulvahitoğlu, A Abdulvahitoğlu, M Kılıç
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (4), 1061-1076, 2022
Reliable prediction of thermophysical properties of nanofluids for enhanced heat transfer in process industry: a perspective on bridging the gap between experiments, CFD and …
A Ullah, M Kilic, G Habib, M Sahin, RZ Khalid, K Sanaullah
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (12), 5859-5881, 2023
Numerical investigation of heat transfer from a porous plate with transpiration cooling
M Kılıç
Journal of Thermal Engineering 4 (1), 1632-1647, 2018
Elektronik sistemlerin soğutulmasında nanoakışkanlar ve çarpan jetlerin müşterek etkisinin incelenmesi
M Kılıç
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 33 (3), 121-132, 2018
Numerical investigation of effect of different parameter on heat transfer for a crossflow heat exchanger by using nanofluids
M Kılıc, A Ullah
Journal of Thermal Engineering 7 (Supp 14), 1980-1989, 2021
Numerical investigation of combined effect of nanofluids and impinging jets on heated surface
M Kılıç, M Yavuz, İH Yılmaz
International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 2 (1), 14-19, 2018
Farklı geometride akış yönlendiriciler ve çarpan jet kullanarak yüksek ısı akılı bir yüzeyden olan ısı transferinin iyileştirilmesi
M Kılıç, Ş Başkaya
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32 …, 2017
Çarpan akışkan jetleri kullanarak kanatçıklı yüzeyler üzerindeki akış alanının sayısal olarak incelenmesi.
T Çalışır, S Çalışkan, M Kılıç, Ş Başkaya
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University/Gazi …, 2017
A heat transfer analysis from a porous plate with transpiration cooling
M Kilic
Thermal Science 23 (5 Part B), 3025-3034, 2019
Preservation of fruits through drying—A comprehensive review of experiments and modeling approaches
M Kilic, M Sahin, A Hassan, A Ullah
Journal of Food Process Engineering 47 (3), e14568, 2024
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Articles 1–20