Matthieu Chafer
Matthieu Chafer
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Ultralow transmission loss in inhibited-coupling guiding hollow fibers
B Debord, A Amsanpally, M Chafer, A Baz, M Maurel, JM Blondy, ...
Optica 4 (2), 209-217, 2017
Near diffraction-limited performance of an OPA pumped acetylene-filled hollow-core fiber laser in the mid-IR
N Dadashzadeh, MP Thirugnanasambandam, HWK Weerasinghe, ...
Optics Express 25 (12), 13351-13358, 2017
Optimized inhibited-coupling Kagome fibers at Yb-Nd: Yag (8.5 dB/km) and Ti: Sa (30 dB/km) ranges
M Maurel, M Chafer, A Amsanpally, M Adnan, F Amrani, B Debord, ...
Optics Letters 43 (7), 1598-1601, 2018
Accurate second harmonic generation microimprinting in glassy oxide materials
M Dussauze, V Rodriguez, F Adamietz, G Yang, F Bondu, A Lepicard, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 4 (6), 929-935, 2016
1-km hollow-core fiber with loss at the silica Rayleigh limit in the green spectral region
M Chafer, JH Osório, F Amrani, F Delahaye, M Maurel, B Debord, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (9), 685-688, 2019
Active engineering of four-wave mixing spectral correlations in multiband hollow-core fibers
M Cordier, A Orieux, B Debord, F Gérôme, A Gorse, M Chafer, E Diamanti, ...
Optics express 27 (7), 9803-9814, 2019
Tailoring modal properties of inhibited-coupling guiding fibers by cladding modification
JH Osório, M Chafer, B Debord, F Giovanardi, M Cordier, M Maurel, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1376, 2019
Near-and middle-ultraviolet reconfigurable Raman source using a record-low UV/visible transmission loss inhibited-coupling hollow-core fiber
M Chafer, JH Osório, A Dhaybi, F Ravetta, F Amrani, F Delahaye, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 147, 107678, 2022
7.7 dB/km losses in inhibited coupling hollow-core photonic crystal fibers
B Debord, A Amsanpally, M Chafer, A Baz, L Vincetti, JM Blondy, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTh4C. 8, 2016
Raman gas self-organizing into deep nano-trap lattice
M Alharbi, A Husakou, M Chafer, B Debord, F Gérôme, F Benabid
Nature communications 7 (1), 12779, 2016
1 km long HC-PCF with losses at the fundamental Rayleigh scattering limit in the green wavelength range
M Chafer, F Delahaye, F Amrani, B Debord, F Gérôme, F Benabid
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF1K. 3, 2018
Contaminant-free end-capped and single-mode acetylene photonic microcell for sub-Doppler spectroscopy
T Billotte, M Chafer, M Maurel, F Amrani, F Gerome, B Debord, F Benabid
Optics Letters 46 (3), 456-459, 2021
Double-clad hypocycloid core-contour Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fiber
F Delahaye, M Maurel, M Chafer, F Amrani, B Debord, F Gérôme, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTh2A. 97, 2018
Power-scaling a mid-IR OPA-pumped acetylene-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber laser
N Dadashzadeh, M Thirugnanasambandam, K Weerasinghe, B Debord, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, STh4O. 1, 2016
Pulse-compression down to 50 fs of femtosecond UV laser using Inhibited-Coupling hollow-core PCF
M Chafer, M Maurel, F Amrani, B Debord, C Honninger, F Gerome, ...
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, JTh5A. 6, 2018
Active engineering of four-wave mixing spectral entanglement in hollow-core fibers
M Cordier, A Orieux, B Debord, F Gérome, A Gorse, M Chafer, E Diamanti, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.11402, 2018
7.7 dB/km transmission loss at 750 nm inhibited-coupling guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fibers
B Debord, A Amsanpally, M Chafer, A Baz, M Maurel, JM Blondy, ...
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CJ_8_4, 2017
Near-gaussian spatial mode from a mid-IR acetylene-filled hollow-core fiber laser
N Dadashzadeh, M Thirugnanasambandam, K Weerasinghe, B Debord, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FTu1I. 5, 2016
Fabrication and characterization of iodine photonic microcells for sub-Doppler spectroscopy applications
C Goïcoechéa, T Billotte, M Chafer, M Maurel, J Jouin, P Thomas, D Naik, ...
Optics Express 31 (10), 15316-15325, 2023
Scalable hollow fiber pulse compressor for NIR and UV lasers
M Maurel, M Chafer, B Debord, F Amrani, B Beaudou, F Gérôme, ...
Components and Packaging for Laser Systems V 10899, 132-140, 2019
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Articles 1–20